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Oil and Gas Blocks in Natuna ‘Pursued’ by Chinese Ships, SKK Migas Opens Voice


A ship from China was observed wandering around the sea Natuna that entered Indonesian territory, this made the Natuna waters ‘warm’ again. In fact, the Indonesian Navy even sent warships just in case.

The Reuters report stated that the Chinese ship was named CCG 5901. The ship was known to have sailed near the Tuna Block oil and gas field.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) also opened up about the news that the Chinese ship approached the Tuna Block. Until now, according to Deputy Head of SKK Migas Nanang Abdul Manaf there has been no oil and gas exploitation operation in the Tuna Block.

However, his party has coordinated with related parties regarding the presence of Chinese ships approaching the Tuna Block. Specifically, in order to ask for more security.

“For the Tuna Block there are no operational activities in the field. But, for sure we will coordinate with related parties who are more authorized,” said Nanang when contacted by detik.com, Sunday (15/1/2023).

Previously, at the end of December 2022, the government had given approval for the First Plant of Development (POD) in the Field operated by the Premier Oil Tuna BV Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS). According to Nanang, after the POD has been approved, there are still several steps that must be carried out by the KKKS before they can exploit it in the Tuna Field.

“After the POD has been approved by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are still other preparatory processes. Such as preparing an EIA, FEED, and others,” said Nanang.

Continued on the next page.

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