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OIC and Arab League Resolutions on Israeli Aggression

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 13 Nov 2023 05:47 IWST

1. Results of the Summit of Arab-Muslim Countries regarding Israel: Arms Embargo-Drag to the ICC 2. Results of the OIC and Arab League emergency meeting regarding Israeli aggression

The OIC and the Arab League held an extraordinary summit to discuss Israeli aggression in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saturday (11/11). (VIA REUTERS/SAUDI PRESS AGENCY)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Arab countries and Muslim or Muslim-majority countries released resolutions regarding aggression Israel the Palestine.

This resolution emerged after the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the League of Arab States held an extraordinary high-level conference (Summit) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Saturday (11/11).

This summit took place after more than a month of Israel attacking Palestine. Around 11 thousand people died, 1.5 million people were expelled, and medical facilities were paralyzed.

The following are the points in the resolution entitled “Resolution of the Joint Extraordinary Islamic-Arab State Summit on Israeli Aggression against the Palestinian People”.

1. Condemn Israeli aggression

They condemned Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip, war crimes, and the barbaric, brutal and inhumane massacres carried out by the colonial occupation government during this aggression, and against the Palestinian people in the West Bank including East Jerusalem.

2. Reject Israel’s self-defense

Arab and Muslim countries also refuse to describe this ‘retaliatory war’ as self-defense or justify it under any pretext.

They also urged Israel’s aggression to stop immediately.

Previously, Israel launched aggression against Palestine and declared war on Hamas to defend itself from Palestinian militias.

3. Demand that the UNSC issue a resolution to stop aggression

They demanded that the UN pass a resolution that could stop Israeli aggression.

“Demand the Security Council to adopt a firm and binding resolution that imposes a cessation of aggression,” said the resolution document from the OIC’s official website.

Arab and Muslim countries also criticized that the failure of the UN Security Council to pass a resolution so far was ‘involvement in allowing Israel to continue its brutal aggression’.

s president are in the Saudi capital on November 11, for a summit meeting expected to underscore demands that Israel’s war in Gaza end before the violence draws in other countries. The emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) comes after Hamas militants’ bloody October 7 attacks that Israeli officials say left about 1,200 people dead and 239 taken hostage. (Photo by SAUDI PRESS AGENCY / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE – MANDATORY CREDIT ” title=”Rapat Darurat OKI Bahas Nasib Gaza” />Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas saat menghadiri KTT luar biasa OKI dan Liga Negara Arab di Riyadh, Arab Saudi, Sabtu (11/11). (AFP/-)

4. Stop arms exports to Israel

They also demanded that the international community stop sending weapons to Israel that could be used to kill Palestinians.

“Demand that all countries stop exporting weapons and ammunition to the occupation authorities that their soldiers use [Israel] and terrorist settlers to kill the Palestinian people,” the resolution document said.

5. Demand that the UNSC issue a resolution after Israel bombed the hospital

The resolution also demands that the UN Security Council issue a resolution after Israel bombed hospitals and other public facilities such as places of worship, refugee camps and schools.

“Israel must comply with international law and immediately stop this obscene and inhumane act,” the resolution continued.

6. Stop the siege of Gaza

The resolution asks Israel to stop besieging the Gaza Strip. They also asked Zionist forces to allow humanitarian aid into the region.

7. Support steps taken by Arab countries and Egypt regarding humanitarian assistance.

8. Ask the ICC to drag Israel

They also asked the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to complete the investigation into the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people.

The resolution mandates the OIC Secretariat General and the Arab League to follow up and form two joint special legal monitoring units.

“To document Israeli crimes committed in the Gaza Strip since October 7 2023, and prepare legal arguments regarding all violations of international law and international humanitarian law committed by Israel,” they continued.

The unit must submit a report 15 days after formation. Next, it was submitted to the League Council at the level of foreign ministers and the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers.

9. Support Palestine in dragging Israel to the International Court of Justice

The resolution also supports Palestinian legal and political initiatives to hold Israeli officials accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian people.

“Including the process of providing opinions at the International Court of Justice; and allowing an Independent International Investigative Institution regarding the occupied Palestinian territories,” they continued.

10. Media formation

They ordered both General Secretariats to establish a joint media monitoring unit to document all Israeli crimes in Palestine.

Check out the points from the extraordinary summit of the OIC and other League of Arab States on the next page..

Results of the OIC and Arab League emergency meeting regarding Israeli aggression


2023-11-12 22:47:05
#Results #Summit #ArabMuslim #Countries #Israel #Arms #EmbargoDrag #ICC

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