Home » today » Health » Oh no, the half meter society may persist for years to come! “Harvard study reports that we need to account for corona outbreaks by 2025”

Oh no, the half meter society may persist for years to come! “Harvard study reports that we need to account for corona outbreaks by 2025”

The prospects are very negative if we have to believe Harvard’s research. Until 2025, the world will be plagued even more by various corona outbreaks. Which means that the one and a half meter society will last longer than expected.

Harvard professor of epidemiology Marc Lipsitch comes with this negative message. It is naive to think that there will only be one lockdown period. The virus is likely to return, and new variants should also be considered in the coming years. The bottom line is that we will be stuck in lockdown more often until 2025.

The Harvard study concludes that one lockdown will not be nearly enough AS long as there is no vaccine. The transmission of the virus will indeed be much lower this summer, but after the summer there will be a new peak. We must therefore seriously take into account numerous “spikes” if no suitable vaccine is discovered in the short term.

Summer will slow the spread of the virus slightly, but it will certainly not extinguish. Scientists say that one should not have too much “confidence” in the summer. A vaccine is needed to deal with this virus.

Otherwise we will continue to suffer from the coronavirus for a few more years.

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