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Oh, Facebook changed its privacy settings again – TechCrunch 3MMSKITA – MMS US

Posted On 5 August 2021

Always with its users in mind, Facebook has determined that its privacy settings require minor changes to keep things clear and easy to find. For that they have taken the “privacy settings” setting and spread it roguely among other categories.

“We’ve redesigned our entire settings menu on mobile from the top down to make searching easier. Instead of having settings spread across nearly 20 different screens, they are now accessible from one place,” Facebook wrote in a blog post announcing the change.

Oh, sorry—it’s from 2018, when they centered privacy settings to make it easier to find. This is the one from today about decentralizing them to many different places.

“Settings are now grouped into six broad categories, each containing several related settings: Account, Preferences, Audience and Visibility, Permissions, Your Information, and Community Standards and Legal Policies… We’ve separated the Privacy Settings category and moved the previously existing settings within it into another category.”

Photos: Facebook is separating its privacy settings into a new category.

Under which category do you think the privacy settings are? Facebook “changed their name to better fit people’s mental models,” so that should be clear. Just use your mental model.

If your answer is “everything is possible,” congratulations, you got it! Now if you want to update your privacy settings, all you need to do is visit all these new categories and subcategories one by one. One of them might have an important button inside — it’s like a treasure hunt!

Facebook settings page, from oldest to newest. Which do you prefer? Image Credit: TechCrunch

We’re kidding, but Facebook also made the “Privacy Check” item much more prominent in this update. This “guided review” could give companies the opportunity to use dark patterns that lure users away from less desirable (for enterprises) privacy choices, but of course through many of the more important settings and let people change them.

“We believe this new settings page will make it easier for people to visit their settings, find their destination, and make the changes they want,” Facebook wrote. We’ll all find out later today when the redesign rolls out for iOS, Android, mobile web, and FB Lite.

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