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Often patients are exposed to Covid-19 only several days after hospital treatment – in Latvia – News

She reminded that the incubation period of the virus can reach 14 days, so it is not always possible to obtain complete and objective information about the patient’s disease at the time of hospitalization.

“Currently, it is the reality of Latvia that even after staying in the ward for several days and receiving treatment, the patient has [laika] the shift turned out to be Covid-19, “said Cipule.

In the light of that consideration, it is also not possible for the NMPD to compile promptly accurate statistics on the number of Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital on a given day. However, recently, on average, around 25-30 people with Covid-19 are hospitalized or suspected of having NMPD on a daily basis, the service director said.

She noted that approximately 10-20% of Covid-19 patients are hospitalized worldwide. “If those numbers are added together and it is calculated that a Covid-19 patient will be treated for at least two weeks in cases where the situation leads to pneumonia, then [redzam, ka] these challenges are indeed enormous, “said Cipule, adding that compliance with the established restrictions in society is the most important precondition for limiting the spread of the virus.

Nine NMPD staff have Covid-19

Nine employees of the Emergency Medical Service (NMPD) are currently suffering from Covid-19, but about 20 are in quarantine, this morning NienD director Liene Cipule told the Latvian Television program “Morning Panorama”.

She noted that the number of quarantined employees is constantly changing. No service physician has been infected with Covid-19 from patients, only one has been infected from a colleague, but all others have acquired the infection outside working hours, Cipule said.

She added that personal protective equipment is used very strictly in the service.

Cipule estimated that, in general, the incidence of NMPD with Covid-19 is very well controlled.

As reported, a total of 4893 cases of Covid-19 have been registered in Latvia so far, but 63 people have died from this disease, according to data compiled by the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (SPKC).

Last week, 1228 cases of Covid-19 were detected in Latvia, which is 57.4% more than a week earlier, the director of the Infectious Diseases Risk Analysis and Prevention Department Yuri Perevoshchikov announced at a press conference on Monday.

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