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Often mistaken for the same, this is the difference between an allergic cold and a cold cold

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes are symptoms allergy that a person often experiences. Symptoms are similar to have a cold caused flu.

Because they are similar, many people mistake them for a cold. Here’s the difference between an allergic cold and a cold and the flu.

“Basically, they are similar, they are often confused. They both make sneezing and runny noses,” said the doctor who also serves as Bayer’s Medical Lead, Riana Nirmala Wijaya in a webinar held by Bayer, Tuesday (12/7).



The difference between an allergic cold and the common cold

Although similar, Riana said there is a very significant difference between a cold due to allergies and a cold due to the flu. Here’s the difference.

1. Allergic colds

An allergic cold is a condition when a person experiences a runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes due to exposure to allergens that the body rejects.

Allergies generally occur suddenly. Animal hair, flower pollen, and dust can be some of the causes.

“The cause is also different from the common cold and flu. It is clear that the common cold is the cause, it’s a virus,” said Riana.

The difference between allergic colds and colds and flu is also seen from other symptoms that appear. The most prominent feature of allergic colds is excessive itching in the nose. In addition, colds are also not accompanied by headaches, fever, or aches and pains.

Not only that, colds due to allergies are also not seasonal. You can experience it all year round.

2. Cold flu

Illustration. One of the differences between allergic colds and colds is the symptoms. (iStock/monstArrr_)-

The common cold is a condition that usually appears seasonally. Colds and flu are also contagious so they can be very clearly seen from the symptoms to the environment.

When someone has a cold due to the flu, the condition is not only sneezing and a runny nose. Colds will be followed by headaches, chills or fever, to aches and pains.

“The flu is also contagious because it is caused by a virus. So when you have the flu, usually people close to you will also get it,” said Riana.

That’s the difference between an allergic cold and a cold and the flu.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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