kalteng Today – Lifestyle, – Long before the pandemic situation hit, a healthy lifestyle and increasing endurance had actually been carried out by most people. Various ways are carried out with the aim of having health and a strong immune system, including exercising regularly and eating nutritious foods that are good for the body.
In addition, there is one other way that is almost never left behind as a supporting effort in realizing a strong and healthy immune system, namely by taking vitamins and supplements.
The Covid-19 pandemic that attacks the immune system hit, the habit of taking vitamins and supplements has finally increased and has begun to be carried out by almost everyone, with the aim of protecting themselves from virus attacks that can come at any time.
Unfortunately, there is an important fact that not many people know until now, namely about understanding vitamins and supplements. Many think that the form and function of vitamins and supplements are the same. In fact, it’s not like that, you know.
So what is the difference between vitamins and supplements?
Vitamins are definitely supplements, but not all supplements are vitamins
In understanding the difference between vitamins and supplements, to make it simpler, we must first understand what each definition of the two is. To be clear, here are the differences between vitamins and supplements, as reported by: Halodoc.
Vitamin are additional nutrients that a person needs to be able to support the body’s performance. Because it is organic, vitamins generally come from real foods and fruits.
Humans will always need additional vitamins that come from the food they eat, this is because the human body cannot produce vitamins as a whole. Therefore, it is not surprising that from the past until now it is always recommended to consume foods containing vitamins.
What happens if our bodies do not have sufficient levels of vitamins? The simplest answer is that it will certainly cause various symptoms of the disease. For example, when a person is deficient in vitamin C, the symptoms that usually occur will be canker sores, or when a person is deficient in vitamin A, vision problems often come along.
It’s different with supplement, this one thing is defined as an additive that contains good nutrition for the body.
If vitamins are organic and come from healthy foods or fruits, in practice supplements are produced mechanically (processed by factories and pharmaceuticals), and are generally in the form of pills, tablets, capsules, or liquids that have been widely consumed.
Because they are manufactured, supplements usually contain more than three kinds of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Unlike vitamins which are really needed to be consumed every day, supplements only act as a complement to increase endurance under certain conditions.
Why is it only appropriate to be consumed under certain conditions? In fact, taking supplements that exceed the dose is also dangerous for health, because it can cause damage to organs in the body.
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Another reason is that some supplements are also known to contain active ingredients that have biological effects on the body, so they can be dangerous if not used properly.
According to Retno Murwanti, Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM, what is meant by the right time to take supplements is if the daily nutritional needs cannot be met.[Red]