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Often ignored, the first symptoms of the new variant of Covid are not fever

Jakarta, CNBC IndonesiaCovid-19 patients report a variety of symptoms they experience when exposed to the Omicron variant virus. One of them said that he also gets tired easily when he wakes up in the morning from a good night’s sleep.

In addition to fatigue, another reported symptom was a sore throat rather than the usual flu. “Today there are twice as many cases of Covid as the common cold, the ratio has never been higher,” said Professor Tim Spector, head of ZOE Health Studies on his Twitter account some time ago.

For The independentSpector explained that most people are still fixated on fever as the main symptom of Covid-19. Right now, according to him, two-thirds of Covid-19 cases originate from sore throats.

“Fever and loss of smell are very rare these days. As a result, many older people don’t think they have Covid, so they don’t get tested because they think they just have a cold,” Spector said.

Launch page To express, ZOE also explained the type of fatigue in Covid-19 patients. They feel extreme tiredness and it can affect a person’s day to day activities and this will show up even at the slightest task.

“It’s a type of extreme tiredness or a feeling of being washed out that persists even after you’ve had a good night’s rest or sleep,” explains ZOE.

“It was difficult to climb stairs, do normal work or even get out of bed.”

Additionally, fatigue will result in hindrances to concentration or recall. The symptom is usually described as “brain fog”.

The Ministry of Health has detected a total of 48 cases of Covid-19 for the Omicron XBB variant as of Thursday (10/11/2022). With these results, the Ministry of Health expects the peak of the addition of Covid-19 cases in the country to occur within the next 1.5 months.

“Maybe in a month and a half at the latest we will reach this peak. At what peak, that’s what we will see later, but I think this peak will definitely be seen in December or early January at the latest,” said the minister of Cheers Budi. Gunadi Sadikin.

The XBB variant was claimed to have a faster rate of spread, but with milder symptoms than before.

Symptoms of the Covid variant Omicron XBB

The following are the symptoms of Omicron XBB cited by the official CDC website:

  1. Fever or chills
  2. Cough
  3. Shortness of breath or shortness of breath
  4. Body weak and easily tired
  5. Muscle and body pains
  6. Headache
  7. Loss of sense of taste or smell
  8. Sore throat
  9. Cold or stuffy nose
  10. Nausea or vomiting
  11. Diarrhea

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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