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Often Ignored, Here Are Some Side Effects Of Not Removing Make Up Before Sleeping – All Pages


There are some side effects if you don’t remove your make-up before going to bed.

Nakita.id Lazy to clean makeup is one of the habits that you may often do.

This is because you are tired of doing activities all day so you forget to clean your make up.

According to Dr. Jessie Cheung, a board-certified dermatologist, explains that sleeping with make-up on is a bad idea.

“Our skin is bombarded with dust and dirt all day long, and most of it sticks to the make-up and sebum on our skin,” says Jessie.

This when left on all night will damage the skin.

It has been linked to skin discoloration and collagen breakdown.

Also, if your skin is prone to breakouts, sleeping with make-up on will only lead to clogged pores, irritation, and breakouts.

In addition, it turns out, there are various other side effects of sleeping with make up.

Also Read: Take note, these are 4 important reasons why you should remove make-up before going to bed

Launch Good House KeepingHere are some side effects if you don’t remove your make-up before going to bed.

1. The appearance of acne

If you don’t clean your face, dirt and dead skin cells won’t be removed.

In addition, dirt will stay in the skin, clog pores, and cause chronic inflammation in the form of acne.

2. Facial skin looks dull

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, not removing your make-up will make your skin look dull.

This is because the oil and dead skin cells on the outermost layer of the skin stick to the pillow throughout the night, and the natural turnover of the skin layer will decrease and the face looks dull.

Doing regular cleansing can bring out new, healthier skin cells.

When you have established a good skin routine, your skin will look very radiant, you don’t need too much makeup to brighten it.

Also Read: Avoid These Mistakes When Removing Makeup, It Can Make Wrinkles On The Face!

3. The skin will look older and will have more wrinkles

This happens because the dirt and makeup that sticks to the skin causes oxidative damage caused by the environment.

This leads to the breakdown of the skin barrier and premature aging of the face.

In 2013, the Daily Mail conducted an experiment in which a woman stopped washing her face for a whole month and simply re-applied her makeup on her unwashed skin every morning.

As a result, experts say he actually aged by 10 years because he missed 30 days of cleansing.

4. Risk of skin infection

If you rarely wash your face before going to bed or when you wake up in the morning, your skin will get infected easily.

When your skin is sensitive and untreated, an infection will appear, such as an inflamed pimple.

This may be due to the disruption of the skin barrier.

You also need to know that the skin is the first line of defense against infection.

Well, there are some side effects if you don’t remove makeup before going to bed.

Also Read: Please Don’t Be Lazy To See The Expiration Date Of Makeup, If You Accidentally Use This Is An Extraordinary Danger That Can Affect Your Skin

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