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Often Heard, What Really Is The Difference Between The Universe, Solar System, And Galaxy?

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What is the difference between the universe, solar system and galaxy?

Bobo.id – If you like astronomy knowledge and space, must be familiar with some words such as universe, solar system, and galaxy.

These three things are often used in learning about astronomy and outer space.

However, have you ever wondered what and how is the difference between the universe, solar system, and galaxy?

Come on, find out the answer and the full explanation from here!

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universe is the whole of nature includes the life of living things, solar system, and the galaxy is inside universe.

So, universe it is very wide. Even scientists say that universe will continue to grow.

Inside universe Here you can find nebulae, planets, and various other celestial bodies.

So wide universe, making the galaxies contained in it numbered up to trillions.

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