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Often Consumed, These 5 Foods Are Worst for Health

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – It is widely known that a balanced diet by emphasizing the intake of fruit, vegetables, protein, whole grains, to a balanced carbohydrate can nourish the body.

However, launching from Eat This, there are some foods that are commonly consumed but can have an effect on overall health. Quoted from Hitekno.com, here are five: unhealthy food what you usually eat, among others:

1. Potato Chips

A New England Journal of Medicine study found that potato chips add more weight to the body than sugary drinks, processed meats, red meat, and other foods. Potato chips are also rich in sodium which is not good for regular consumption.

2. Flour fried chicken

Chicken is considered a healthier alternative to red meat because it is lower in saturated fat and is a great source of protein.

But coating it with flour and frying it in hot oil makes it no longer nutritious.

When you stir and fry chicken in oil, it absorbs a lot of fat which increases the calorie content of the food.

Worse still, frying foods at high temperatures in oil forms trans fats which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity.

3. Donat

Donuts are made from white flour, sugar, and vegetable butter which are then deep fried. This means donuts also contain trans fat. According to the Mayo Clinic, trans fat is the worst type of fat that raises bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.

4. Margarine

Eating a stick of margarine increases the risk of coronary heart disease because it contains trans fats.

The denser the margarine, the more trans fat. Butter is often a better choice for toast than margarine.

A 2016 review in PLOS One found very little link between butter consumption and heart disease

5. Roti Bagel

A bagel full of white flour dough, the carb equivalent of about five slices of toasted white bread. Even though the average bagel contains about 250 calories, you will still feel hungry immediately after eating it.

This condition will increase your blood sugar quickly, but lower it quickly too.

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