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Officials and Elite Politicians Visit Megawati Sukarnoputri’s House on First Day of Eid 2023


A number of officials up to the elite PDIP started arriving at the Ketum PDIP’s house Megawati Sukarnoputri on the first day of Eid 2023. Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung to Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly have visited Megawati’s house.

monitoring detikcom at Megawati’s house, Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Saturday (22/4/2023), Pramono Anung was seen arriving at 11.13 WIB. Then followed by the arrival of Yasonna H Laoly at 11.29 WIB.

There was not the slightest comment from the two upon arrival. Pramono Anung and Yasonna only waved and clasped their hands in greeting.

Apart from that, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP General Treasurer OIIy Dondokambey were also present at Megawati’s house. PDIP politicians as well as members of the DPR RI such as Rano Karno, Herman Hery, and Rebekah Tjiptaning were also present at Megawati’s house.

Every character who came immediately entered Megawati’s house. Megawati’s house was closed under tight guard.

Several police officers were seen standing guard at the location. They monitored everyone who visited Megawati’s house.

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung to the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly have visited Megawati’s house. (Adrial Akbar/ detikcom)

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto previously said Megawati Soekarnoputri would not hold an open house during Idul Fitri 1444 H or Eid 2023. However, Hasto said Megawati would still stay in touch with relatives.

“Eid has become a culture for halal bihalal, building hospitality after one month of fasting and on an auspicious day, all PDIP cadres say halal bihalal and do it via WA, via Zoom or someone comes in person. But Mrs. Mega has said there will be no open house,” said Hasto at Pasar Senen Station, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (18/4).

Hasto said Megawati would only hold a halal bihalal with relatives and a number of figures. This includes meeting with political parties.

“During Idul Fitri, a meeting was held as part of the friendship of the leaders, and Mrs. Mega met with her friends,” he said.

“Of course, in the Eid al-Fitr tradition, even though Mrs. Mega did not hold an open house, I apologize, but I also met with party leaders for friendship and halal bihalal,” he continued.

See also ‘Prabowo Will Go to Solo on Eid Day’:


2023-04-22 05:08:52

#Pramono #Anung #Yasonna #Close #Megawatis #House #Day #Eid

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