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Officially Married, Jessica Iskandar Tells Her Meeting with Vincent Verhaag

Jakarta, Insertlive

Jessica Iskandar finally married Vincent Verhaag. Jessica Iskandar also told how her first meeting with Vincent Verhaag was.

Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag first met on the Island of the Gods, Bali. At that time, Bastian Steel introduced Vincent Verhaag to Jessica Iskandar.

“So the first time we met from mutual friend Bastian Steel. He was on vacation in Bali, he wanted to stay at a hotel but I told him to stay at my home,” said Vincent Verhaag during a virtual press conference, Friday (22/10).

“Then I opened Instagram, he appeared, I saw ‘Wow, she is in Bali, Bastian Steel, we know, if you watch it, it’s really scary, right, he said ‘Jes, let’s go sunset,'” he continued.

Jessica Iskandar is also happy to welcome Bastian Steel’s invitation to get acquainted with Vincent Verhaag. He also invited Vincent to go to the beach together to enjoy the sunset.

“He said, ‘Sis Jedar in Bali? When can we see the sunset together’ I said I could come because I was afraid of the pandemic, then Bastian came with Vincent,” said Jessica Iskandar on the same occasion.

It was at that moment that Vincent Verhaag and Jessica Iskandar first time acquainted. After that moment, the two became friends and communicated more often.

“I wanted to come in, I said ‘no no ah Bastian’, pretend to be relaxed from there, I met, ‘how are you,’ from there, I met everyday. He is also in Bali, I am in Bali, friends in Bali hang out,” said Vincent Verhaag.

Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag are official marry at a hotel in the Sudirman area, Central Jakarta. Their marriage was held privately and only attended by family members.

This is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As is known, Jakarta is still implementing level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).


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