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Officially as Head of the Propam Division, this is the profile of Inspector General Syahardiantono in lieu of Sambo


National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo officially inaugurated Inspector General Syahardiantono as Kadiv Propam Polri. Syahar replaces Inspector General Ferdy Sambo who was transferred to the Yanma Police headquarters.

“Today, Monday, August 8, 2022, at 16.30-16.45 WIB, the inauguration of the Head of the National Police Propam Division has been carried out. The inaugurated official is Inspector General of Police Drs Syahardiantono, MSi, located at the National Police Headquarters,” said Karo Penmas Divhumas Polri Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to journalists, Monday (8/8/2022).

Inspector General Syahardiantono left the position of Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police. This is Inspector General Syahardiantono’s full profile.



Syahardiantono was born on February 2, 1970 in Blora, Central Java. Syahardiantono graduated from the Police Academy in 1991. Syahardiantono has held important positions in the police, including:

-Kapolres Pasuruan (2010)
-Wadirreskrimsus Polda East Java (2011)
-Kasubdit VI Dittipideksus Bareskrim Polri (2012)
-Dirreskrimsus Polda Riau Islands (2014)
-Widyaiswara Young Sespimmen Sespim Lemdikpol Polri (2016)
-Intermediate Policy Analyst for Sespimmen Sespim Lemdikpol Polri (2018)
-Head of the National Police Public Relations Division (2018)
-Karo PID Divhumas Polri (2019)
-Dirtipidter Bareskrim Polri (2020)
-Wakabareskrim Polri (2020)

Syahardiantono has handled the Bahar bin Smith case related to hate speech to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in 2018. Syahardiantono has also handled fraudulent cultivation and export of lobster seeds in 2020. He managed to arrest the suspect Kusmianto alias Lim Swie King and confiscated 73,200 lobster seeds. .

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo removed

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was removed from the position of Head of the Propam Police Division in the aftermath of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo announced that the position of Head of Propam Division was filled with Inspector General Syahardiantono.

“Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, the Head of the Propam Police Division, will serve as the Chief of the Yanma Police, his replacement will be Inspector General Syahardiantono, the Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police as the Head of the Propam Division,” said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, Thursday (4/8/2022).

The massive transfer of the National Police is stated in TR 1628/VIII/KEP/2022/4 August 2022. Apart from removing Ferdy Sambo, the National Police Chief has transferred a number of other police officers.

A total of 25 Polri personnel were investigated for allegedly being unprofessional in handling the case of the death of Brigadier J. Apart from being investigated ethically, the 25 personnel could also be investigated through a criminal process.

The 25 police personnel consisted of three one-star police generals, five kombes, three AKBP, two kompol, seven pama, and five non-commissioned officers and enlisted men.


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