31 Mar Cine-concert in the church of Bourg
in Featured
Sunday May 7, 2023 8:30 p.m. Bourg church
A cine-concert is proposed in the church of Bourg Sur Gironde. The film broadcast is “the mechanic of the general”,
1926 silent film by BusterKEATON. The organist improvises throughout the screening to support the dramatic discourse.
Presentation of the film: Le Mécano de la “Generale” (The General), also written Le Mécano de la Générale,
is an American film co-directed by BusterKeaton and Clyde Bruckman, released in 1926. In 1989, the year the National Film Registry was created,
it is the first film selected by the Library of Congress
for its “cultural, historical or aesthetic significance”
and it is listed in the National Film Registry.
The cine-concert: This is a kind of show that combines the projection of a film, and the live performance of musical improvisation, here on the organ.
This concert is free entry.
Open to all, access for people with reduced mobility.
Information: Email [email protected]
Telephone 06 67 27 69 17