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Official! Solskjaer sacked from Manchester United after rout at Watford | english football

In the official announcement of the resignation, Cristiano Ronaldo’s team justified that the decision was due to the “disappointing” results of the last few weeks, but stressing that this should not erase all the work carried out by the Norwegian over the past three years to “rebuild the foundations for long-term success”.

“Ole leaves with our sincere thanks for his tireless efforts as a manager and our best wishes for the future. His place in the club’s history will always be guaranteed, not only by his history as a player, but as a great man and a Coach which has given us many great moments. He will be forever welcome back to Old Trafford as part of the Manchester United family,” says an excerpt of the statement.

On the same note, Manchester United confirmed that the team will be led interim by Michael Carrick, former Red Devils player and who was assistant to Solskjaer, next Tuesday, in the duel against Villarreal, in the Champions League.

“Michael Carrick will now take charge of the team for the next games, while the club is looking to appoint an interim coach until the end of the season,” published the club, implying that it will still not bring an effective coach at first.

However, according to The Times newspaper, Frenchman Zinedine Zidane is tipped to take over Manchester United. Erik ten Hag, Ajax coach, and Brendan Rodgers, Leicester, are other candidates. He just doesn’t know if this year or next season. According to “Sky Sports”, another name that runs out is Luis Enrique, coach from Spain. He even would have been nominated by Cristiano Ronaldo.

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Ole Gunnar Solskjaer Manchester United Watford — Photo: Reuters

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The defeat away from home to Watford was the team’s fifth blunder in the last six games. Manchester United remains stationed in the league table. The team is in seventh place, with 17 points, 12 less than first placed Chelsea.

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Cristiano Ronaldo na derrota do Manchester United diante do Watford — Foto: Getty Images" width="900" height="606" layout="responsive" noloading="">

Cristiano Ronaldo in Manchester United’s loss to Watford — Photo: Getty Images

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At the end of the game, the Norwegian apologized to the fans still on the field. Solskjaer replaced José Mourinho in charge of Manchester United in December 2018. In July, he had his contract renewed until 2024.

The club’s idol as a player – it was his, for example, the goal that won the Champions League title in 1999 – Solskjaer, 48, led United in 168 games, winning 91 and suffering 40 losses. He has not won any trophies as a coach. His best result was the runner-up in the Europa League last season (he lost the decision to Villarreal).

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