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Official! OJK revokes Investree’s Business License


The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has revoked the business license of PT Investree Radika Jaya (Investree). This license was revoked because the online loan platform company (pinjol) violated the provisions which led to the case of payment failure.

This revocation was decided through OJK Board of Commissioners Order No. KEP-53/D.06/2024 dated 21 October 2024. The company whose address is at AIA Central Floor 21, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A, RT05/RW04, Karet Seranggi, South Jakarta has violated minimum equity provisions and other provisions as regulated in POJK No. 10/POJK.05/2022 regarding Mutual Funding Services Based on Information Technology (LPBBTI) as well as declining performance that disrupts operations and services to society.

The Acting Head of the Department of Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication, M. Ismail Riyadi, said that the revocation of business licenses was also part of OJK’s efforts to create a healthy financial services industry, especially the organizers of LPBBTI.



“OJK has requested Investment Management and Shareholders to fulfill the minimum equity obligations, obtain reliable strategic investors, and make efforts to improve performance and comply with relevant regulations, including communication by the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of Investment Shareholders to do the following. – the things that were mentioned,” explained Ismail in a written statement, Monday (21/10/2024).

In this regard, the OJK has taken strong measures by gradually imposing administrative sanctions on Investree, such as warning sanctions up to Business Activity Restrictions (PKU) before the Business License is revoked.

However, until the specified deadline, the management and shareholders of the loan company were unable to fulfill the arrangements and solve the problem, so Investree was subject to a license to withdraw its business license. called according to relevant rules.

OJK confirms that PKPU results will not eliminate crimes

OJK continues to take strong measures and actions against parties deemed to have violated relevant statutory provisions related to Investree’s problems and failures, such as conducting a major party reassessment ( PKPU) on Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi with the result of Failure and under sanctions. at most in the form of a ban on being the main party and / or being a shareholder in the Criminal Services Institution involved in the management activities of Investree.

OJK confirmed that the results of the PKPU do not eliminate responsibility and accusations of criminal activities related to the activities of Investree’s management. Investree must then process law enforcement related to alleged criminal activities in the Department of Financial Services with Law Enforcement Officers (APH) for further legal processing in accordance with statutory provisions.

Not forgetting, the OJK also blocked the bank accounts of Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties and took other measures against Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties who were considered to be involved in problems and failures Investree.

“Conducting an asset investigation of Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi and other parties at Financial Services Institutions for further sanctions in accordance with statutory provisions. Making efforts to return Brother Adrian Asharyanto Gunadi to the country in accordance with statutory provisions in cooperation with the Law Enforcement authorities,” he added.

In terms of revoking the business license, Investree must do several things. These include ceasing all business activities as LPBBTI, except to fulfill matters according to statutory provisions, such as tax obligations. Then prevent shareholders, managers, employees, and / or related parties of Investree from transferring, pledging, guaranteeing, using, concealing the registration of assets, and / or taking other measures that could reduce or reduce the value of the assets / wealth of the Company, except for and for – issues related to the performance of obligations in terms of statutory provisions.

An investor must also resolve the rights of employees according to provisions in the field of employment, rights and obligations to borrowers and lenders. Then the loan company provides clear information to borrowers, lenders and/or other interested parties regarding the method of settling rights and obligations.

“Keep GMS not later than 30 calendar days from the date of revocation of this business license to form a Liquidation Team and dissolve the Investree legal entity,” Ismail said.

Consumer Complaint Center on next page. Just click

Additionally, providing a customer/community information and complaints center and appointing a responsible person who will be tasked with dealing with customer/community complaints. Regarding this issue, customers / public can contact Investree on various channels, such as phone number: 021-22532535 ​​​​or Whatsapp number: 087730081631 / 087821500886, email: [email protected].

Customers can also visit the office at AIA Central Floor 21, Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 48A, RT05/RW04, Karet Seranggi, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12930.

For your information, Investree has been in the spotlight because the company has bad loans. Things got worse at the same time that Investree’s Managing Director, Adrian Gunadi, stepped down in early 2024.

In detikcom notes, cited from the company’s official TWP90 website, the 90-day average rate from the date of Investree reached 12.58%.

This means that 12.58% of the money paid has not been paid by customers 90 days after the due date. It was recorded that as of January 2, 2024, Investree’s total outstanding loans reached IDR 444.69 billion.

2024-10-21 14:47:00
#Official #OJK #revokes #Investrees #Business #License

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