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Official discourse of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday: here are the points to remember

Déconfinement, economy, equal opportunity… here are the main points of the speech this Sunday spor by the president of france Emmanuel Macron.


  • The whole of France goes “green” from Monday, June 15, except in Guyana and Mayotte, where the virus still circulates.
  • Re-opening cafés and restaurants in the Ile-de-France as early as Monday.
  • Kindergartens, schools and colleges will re-open for all, on the 22nd of June, “in an obligatory manner and according to the rules of presence normal”.
  • Visits “allowed” in retirement homes and long-term care facilities from the 15 June.


  • “First priority” given to “rebuild a strong economy, ecological, sovereignty and solidarity”.
  • No increase in taxes to finance the expenditure related to the crisis.
  • A “massive investment” will be held for the education, training and employment of youth.


  • The second round of the municipal elections “may be conducted” on the 28th of June. But “it is necessary to avoid to the maximum the rallies” which will remain “very supervised”.
  • “A new page” will be opened giving more “freedoms and responsibilities to those who are working closely with our lives,” as the mayors, hospitals or universities.

RACISM, YOUTH, law enforcement

  • Cops “deserve the support of the public power and the gratitude of the Nation” because “no republican order, there is neither security nor freedom”
  • France “does not déboulonnera not statues,” and the Republic “will not erase any name or any trace of its history”
  • The “strong decisions for equal opportunities” will be taken and “we will be uncompromising in the face of racism, anti-semitism and discrimination”


  • Macron will apply again to the French “in July” to specify a “new path” and “launch the first shares”.
  • It is necessary “that we learn all the lessons of what we have lived” with the crisis of the coronavirus, but “our weaknesses, we will correct hard and fast”

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