Administrative Decision 816/2024

DA-2024-816-APN-JGM – Designation.

City of Buenos Aires, 08/20/2024

HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2024-69258030-APN-SICYT#JGM, Law No. 27,701, Decrees Nos. 2098 of December 3, 2008, its amendments and supplements, 355 of May 22, 2017 and its amendment, 160 of February 27, 2018, 88 of December 26, 2023, 585 of July 4, 2024 and Resolution of the NATIONAL DISABILITY AGENCY No. 49 of March 8, 2018 and its amendment, and


That by Decree No. 88/23 it was established that as of January 1, 2024, the provisions of Law No. 27,701 on the General Budget of the National Administration will govern, pursuant to the provisions of article 27 of the Law on Financial Administration and Control Systems of the National Public Sector No. 24,156 and its amendments.

That by Decree No. 355/17 it was established that all temporary appointments of personnel in permanent and non-escalfonary positions with a rank and hierarchy lower than Undersecretary, vacant and budget-financed, in accordance with the organizational structures, will be made by the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers within the scope of the centralized and decentralized National Public Administration, at the proposal of the Jurisdiction or Entity in question.

That by Decree No. 585/24 it was established that the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES will act as a decentralized body within the orbit of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

That by Decree No. 160/18 the organizational structure of the first operational level of the aforementioned Agency was approved.

That by Resolution of the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES No. 49/18 the organizational structure of the second operational level of the aforementioned agency was approved.

That it is necessary to proceed with the temporary coverage of the vacant and funded position of Emergency Management Coordinator of the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES of the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES, a decentralized body acting within the orbit of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

That the temporary coverage of the aforementioned position does not constitute the allocation of extraordinary resources.

That the permanent legal service of the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES, a decentralized body acting within the orbit of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH, has taken on the intervention of its competence.

That this measure is issued in exercise of the powers conferred by articles 100, paragraph 3 of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION and 2° of Decree No. 355 of May 22, 2017.




ARTICLE 1.- Mr. Roger Edgar GRANT (DNI No. 23,471,009) is hereby appointed on a temporary basis, starting on June 11, 2024 and for a period of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) business days, to the position of Emergency Management Coordinator of the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES of the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES, a decentralized body acting within the orbit of the MINISTRY OF HEALTH, Level B – Grade 0 of the Sectoral Collective Labor Agreement for Personnel of the NATIONAL PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SYSTEM (SINEP), approved by Decree No. 2098/08.

The corresponding payment of the Executive Function Supplement Level IV of the aforementioned Sectoral Collective Labor Agreement is authorized and this temporary designation is made as an exception with respect to the provisions of article 14 of said Agreement.

ARTICLE 2°.- The position involved in article 1° of this administrative decision must be filled in accordance with the current selection requirements and systems as established, respectively, in Titles II, Chapters III, IV and VIII, and IV of the Sectoral Collective Labor Agreement of the Personnel of the NATIONAL PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SYSTEM (SINEP), approved by Decree No. 2098/08, within the period of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) business days, counted from June 11, 2024.

ARTICLE 3.- The expenses required to comply with this administrative decision will be covered by the specific items of Entity 917 – NATIONAL AGENCY FOR DISABILITIES.

ARTICLE 4.- Communicate, publish, give to the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and archive.

Guillermo Francos – Mario Antonio Russo

e. 22/08/2024 N° 56139/24 v. 22/08/2024

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