Resolution 958/2021

RESOL-2021-958-APN-INT # MC

City of Buenos Aires, 07/19/2021

HAVING SEEN File No. EX-2021-07399104- -APN-DAF # INT, Law No. 24,800, Regulatory Decree No. 991 dated September 24, 1997, Resolution No. RESOL-2020-2-APN-SGYEP # JGM dated March 2, 2020, Resolution No. RESOL-2020-417-APN-INT # MC dated April 16, 2020, Resolution No. RESOL-2021-35-APN-INT # MC dated April 26, January 2021, and


That due to the file mentioned in the aforementioned, it processes the Public Contest of Background and Opposition to cover the vacant positions corresponding to the TWO (2) Selection Juries for the Qualification of Projects by the NEA and NOA regions, who will exercise their mandate in the period 2021-2023; In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 subsection n) of the National Theater Law No. 24,800 and its Regulatory Decree No. 991 dated September 24, 1997, which establishes that they will be appointed by means of a Public Background and Opposition Competition, called specifically to cover such charges.

That by Resolution No. RESOL-2020-417-APN-INT # MC dated April 16, 2020 and its amendment Resolution No. RESOL-2021-35-APN-INT # MC dated January 26, 2021, the Regulation of the Public Competition of Background and Opposition for the appointment of Selection Juries for the Qualification of Projects of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO, which includes the application for registration and the profiles of the positions to compete.

That through Act No. 623 dated January 21, 2021, the Board of Directors of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO resolved to call a Public Background and Opposition Competition to cover, among others, ONE (1) position Jury of Selection for the Project Qualification by the NOA region, for the period 2021-2023, establishing the registration date of the same from February 8, 2021 to March 9, 2021 inclusive and appointed as members of the Selection Committee acting in said contest, the Mr. Hugo Mario ARISTIMUÑO (ID No. 10,207,894), Mrs. Mónica Elisa DRIOLLET (ID No. 14,683,430), Mr. Ángel Dalmacio QUINTELA (ID No. 12,868,220), Mrs. María Teresa POMPEI (ID No. 22,219,126), and to Mrs. María Rosario CARRERA (DNI No. 6,373,865), designating Mrs. Julieta Lucía DAGA (DNI No. 24,901,324) and Mr. Mauricio Antonio TOSSI (DNI No. 25,632,697), so that in case of absence or removal by any cause of one or more of the members of the Committee of Se lesson, act as replacements.

That through Note N ° NO-2021-08217592-APN-INT # MC dated January 29, 2021, in compliance with the provisions of Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Regulations of the contest in question approved by Resolution No. RESOL-2020-417-APN-INT # MC dated April 16, 2020 and its amendment Resolution No. RESOL-2021-35-APN-INT # MC dated January 26, 2021, the MINISTRY OF WOMEN was invited , GENDERS AND DIVERSITY to designate ONE (1) regular observer and ONE (1) alternate in order to ensure the due equality of opportunities for men and women before the Selection Committee acting in said insolvency process.

That the aforementioned call was published in the Official Gazette of the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC No. 34,573 dated January 29, 2021, on the website and specifically assigned billboards of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO.

That the Supervision Directorate of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO informed that the registered applicants are not disqualified by this Organism.

That the intervening Selection Committee has made a detailed assessment of the background of the participants and the opposition interviews of the selected contestants.

That through Resolution No. RESOL-2021-677-APN-INT # MC dated May 28, 2021, the list of candidates for the Public Background and Opposition Competition for the designation of TWO (2) Selection Juries for the Qualification of Projects, corresponding to the NEA and NOA Regions (one per region), who will carry out their position in the 2021-2023 period, which has been notified to the applicants and informed of the administrative resources they have to your disposition.

That the respective notifications are incorporated, by email, for interviews of applicants with the Board of Directors.

That through Act No. 635 dated June 23, 2021, the Board of Directors of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO, resolved the appointment as Selection Jury for the Qualification of Projects by the NOA region for the period 2021-2023 to Marcos Luis ACEVEDO ( DNI N ° 22,429,453).

That Mr. Marcos Luis ACEVEDO, declared that he holds a position of Permanent Staff as Actor in the Stable Theater Corps dependent on the CULTURAL ENTITY OF THE PROVINCE OF TUCUMÁN, from 2001 to the present.

That the position in which Mr. Marcos Luis ACEVEDO is appointed is incompatible with the position of Selection Jury for the Qualification of Projects of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO for the period 2021-2023, corresponding to the NOA Region, by virtue of of the provisions of Article 1 of Decree No. 8566 of September 22, 1961 of the Regime on Accumulation of positions, functions and / or liabilities for the National Public Administration “… no person may perform or be appointed in more than one position or paid public employment within the jurisdiction and competence of the National Executive Power. Likewise, the performance of a public office is declared incompatible with the perception of retirements, pensions and / or civil and / or military retirements from any national, provincial and / or municipal pension scheme ”.

That attentive to this, Mr. Marcos Luis ACEVEDO requests to perform the position of Selection Jury for the Qualification of Projects of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO, on an ad-honorem basis, in order not to incur the incompatibility provided for in Article 1 of the Decree N ° 8566 of September 22, 1961.

That the documentation corresponding to Marcos Luis ACEVEDO is incorporated.

That from the records of the documents it appears that this selection process has been carried out in accordance with the law, respecting the principles of publicity, equality, merit, transparency and reasonableness.

That the Resolution that approved the shortlists is final, corresponding to dictate the administrative act that designates the applicant, in accordance with them.

That the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO has intervened.

That this measure is issued within the framework of the powers arising from Article 16 of Law No. 24,800, Regulatory Decree No. 991 dated September 24, 1997, and INT Resolution No. 1481 dated November 23, 2015 .




ARTICLE 1.- Marcos Luis ACEVEDO (DNI N ° 22,429,453) be appointed ad-honorem, from August 1, 2021 and for a period of TWO (2) years as the National Selection Jury for the Qualification of Projects by the NOA region of the INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL TEATRO, a decentralized body acting in the orbit of the MINISTRY OF CULTURE, position provided for in Article 14 paragraph n), of the National Theater Law No. 24,800.

ARTICLE 2.- Notify the interested party in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the National Law of Administrative Procedures No. 19,549 dated April 3, 1972, and in accordance with the terms and scope provided in Article 40 and concordant of the Regulation of Administrative Procedures approved by Decree No. 1759 dated April 3, 1972 (TO 2017).

ARTICLE 3.- Communicate, publish, wish to the NATIONAL ADDRESS OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRY and file.

Gustavo Ariel uanos

e. 23/07/2021 N ° 51112/21 v. 23/07/2021

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