Efforts to suppress Tuberculosis (TB) cases in Madiun City continue to be increased. Efforts are not just treatment for TB patients. However, officers also take precautions against people at risk of TB. It appears officers are giving injections to patients. [sudarno/bhirawa]
City of Madison, Bhirawa.
Efforts to suppress Tuberculosis (TB) cases in Madiun City continue to be increased. Efforts are not just treatment for TB patients. However, it also does prevention for people at risk of TB. One of them is Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT).
“So this TPT prioritizes the target of people at risk of TB. It could be from close patient contacts or the results of investigations or screening of TB patients and at-risk communities such as fostered residents and Islamic boarding schools,” said Febriana Retna Erawati, Health Epidemiologist, Office of Health, Women’s Empowerment, and KB City of Madiun, Saturday (18/2).
Because of that, his party actively conducts examinations of people at risk. Febri added that in one TB case, at least he investigated 15-20 people who had close contacts. One way is through the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). There are also those who call it the mantoux test. “Through this test, it can be seen whether or not the germs that cause TB are present in the target’s body. After that, we will give treatment measures, “explained Febriana.[dar.ca]