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Offer of free tampons and sanitary towels planned in Darmstadt

  • fromJens Joachim

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The Darmstadt magistrate is to find suitable display points for the issue of free menstrual items in the city.

Most of the parliamentary groups agreed on the matter, but not on the exact route: only with the votes of the Greens and the CDU did the city parliament decide on an amendment from the two coalition groups that the magistrate should first check at which suitable places in the city free of charge Menstrual items can be provided. It is planned to display the hygiene articles in the city library, in schools, youth centers and in administrative buildings.

The parliamentary groups of the SPD and Uffbasse had originally proposed with their own proposals that all schools, communal educational institutions and the toilet facilities operated by the city should be equipped with sustainable menstrual items such as sanitary napkins and plastic-free tampons free of charge without prior examination by the magistrate. The SPD withdrew its application and supported the more detailed application of the Uffbasse parliamentary group.

Uffbasse parliamentary group leader Kerstin Lau justified the request with the fact that women are often affected by financial disadvantages. With the offer to distribute sustainable menstrual articles at schools and municipal educational institutions, an offer could be created to reduce the additional financial burden and possible access difficulties to the corresponding products, said Lau.

The SPD, Uffbasse, Die Linke and the Uwiga parliamentary group voted against the request for examination by the coalition groups. The AfD parliamentary group abstained. According to the application, which was passed by a majority, the magistrate should report “in a suitable manner on the state of affairs, the need and the utilization” of the hygiene articles.

According to the ideas of the Greens parliamentary group leader Nicole Frölich and the CDU city councilor Irmgard Klaff-Isselmann, the free issue of menstrual articles should be “uncomplicated and practicable” in order to achieve “even more gender equality”.

Now that there is already a contraceptive fund in Darmstadts, the planned distribution of free menstrual items is now “the next logical step,” said Frölich and Klaff-Isselmann.

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