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Offenbach: The traffic slowdown on the Bierbrauerweg is being tested

Mayor Sabine Gross with the residents. (Photo: City of Offenbach / georg-photo, Offenbach)

Heavy traffic on the Bierbrauerweg and excessive speeds repeatedly lead to complaints from affected residents. According to a decision by the Offenbach City Traffic Commission, a traffic detoxification process has been underway since last week through the creation of a through block.

“By blocking traffic, we are implementing traffic calming measures that local residents have specifically requested. This will help improve the quality of life and air. Due to delivery bottlenecks, the long-planned implementation is only now possible, “explains Mayor Sabine Groß, who personally had an idea of ​​the start of the test measure on site.

The experiment is initially planned for a period of one year. Blocking elements will be set up between house numbers 43 (veterinary) and 64 (kennel) to prevent the passage of car traffic. The northern part of the Bierbrauerweg, including the subdivision gardens and kennels, can only be reached in the future as a dead end through Lämmerspieler Weg and Maybachstrasse. The southern part remains accessible as a dead end street via Bieberer Straße. However, cyclists and pedestrians can travel the entire length of the Bierbrauerweg, regardless of the roadblock.

It is planned to temporarily open the new checkpoint in special cases. This could be the case in order to be able to reach the guest car park on Untere Grenzstraße on the days of the OFC home matches. The block can also be temporarily lifted in an emergency or for other important reasons, such as construction sites. Local residents will be informed of the project by the municipality.

(Text: PM City of Offenbach)

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