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Offenbach: noble mushrooms from the machine

  • fromFabian Scheuermann

    shut down

The Offenbach mushroom grower Kroll found a new sales channel in Corona times – and would like to offer his rare goods in Frankfurt in the future.

Mathias Kroll grows noble mushrooms in an old cellar next to the Offenbach Kickers stadium. Due to the restrictions resulting from the corona pandemic, he lost a large part of his clientele almost overnight – the catering trade. Now the Mühlheimer is drawing attention to himself with a special idea: For two weeks there has been a large refrigerated machine at Bieberer Straße 269, which Kroll has filled with his mushrooms and mushroom dishes.

Kroll explains that until three quarters of a year he had almost exclusively supplied catering establishments. Because with this business model, there were always a lot of mushrooms thrown in the bin – he never knew in advance how much was being ordered – he has since built up a second mainstay with market stalls. He is represented in two markets in Offenbach, also in Wiesbaden and Mainz. “If I hadn’t already started direct marketing, my company would not have survived the Corona period for two weeks,” Kroll now suspects.

Current information

All market datescan be viewed in the “Notyz” app (code: Edelpilzzucht * 1). The app is filled with other content, such as recipes.

The mushroom grower would also like to sell his goods – herb mushrooms, hairdressing mushrooms or velvet foot carrots – at a Frankfurt market. But it is “very difficult to get in there,” he says. The application for a stand license there has been running for a while.

The machine on Bieberer Berg, which Kroll was able to get in the Netherlands quite spontaneously, was well received, he says – even if there was still room for improvement in sales. Soon the products from a local cheese dairy may also fill the machine. In any case, Kroll seems to have got a taste for it: This is how he can imagine a place in Offenbach or Frankfurt, where several machines from regional producers are set up. So you have a weekly market with fresh products almost every day, he says.

All market datescan be viewed in the “Notyz” app (code: Edelpilzzucht * 1). The app is filled with other content, such as recipes.

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