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Offenbach Main-Kinzig: The police news | Metropolnews.info

Symbolic image, police, car, sideways © Ingo_Kramarek on pixabay

(dj) The police are currently investigating a hit-and-run accident that occurred on Wednesday afternoon at around 1:15 p.m. on Nordendstrasse at number 73. According to current knowledge, a previously unknown driver of a blue small car with a white roof and the Offenbach or Frankfurt partial license plate with the numbers 7771 parked her vehicle at number 78 from a parking space. While reversing, she collided with the car parked opposite, so that the driver’s side of the damaged vehicle suffered accident damage of around 2,500 euros, according to initial estimates. The approximately 30 to 35-year-old woman who caused the accident with black, neck-length hair fled after the collision without worrying about the damage. The escape group has started the investigation and is asking witnesses who can provide relevant information to call 06183 91155-0.

(jm) On Saturday morning, an unknown person hit a double-rod mat fence in the parking lot of a discounter on Fasaneriestrasse (single-digit house numbers) and then drove away. Around 10.30 a.m., the stranger is said to have damaged the fence of the outdoor area during the parking maneuver. The material damage incurred amounts to around 600 euros. Witnesses heard a loud bang and, according to initial findings, saw a white car (similar to a minibus) driving away with the tailgate open. The driver is said to have been a 50 to 60 year old, tall and slim man with a three-day beard. Other witnesses who made observations should contact the Seligenstadt police station on 06182 8930-0.

Main-Kinzig district

(dj) On Sunday, the experts from the “TRuP” (tuner, speeder and poser) working group were on the road in a civilian vehicle as part of their patrol service on the federal highway 43a near Hanau and were able to identify two vehicles with their video vehicle that were significantly exceeding their speed. First, the officials stopped a 50-year-old driver from Alzenau with over 220 at the permitted 100 kilometers per hour. This represents the highest offense in terms of speed in the catalog of fines and usually entails a fine, points in the central driver’s license register, and a three-month driving ban. A 20-year-old accelerated his car at the same point to over 165 kilometers per hour. This vehicle driver must also reckon with a substantial fine and a driving ban of several months.

(dj) The exact background to an assault that occurred on Sunday evening on the grounds of a school in Akazienweg is still unclear. Verbal arguments broke out between the injured party and three unknown perpetrators at around 7:30 p.m. as a result of which they beat up Langenselbolder. According to initial findings, the aggressors used a metal object. The 17-year-old victim suffered minor injuries. One of the perpetrators had long blond hair and was dressed in dark clothing. The Hanau II police station can be reached for further information on 06181 9010-0.

(jm) A pensioner from Insterburger Strasse was the victim of con artists on Thursday afternoon who pretended to be police officers on the phone. The fake police officers said on the phone that there had been a robbery and two of the three perpetrators had been arrested. The perpetrators are said to have carried a note with the pensioner’s home address. The police need your help now. The elderly woman withdrew money for this and gave it to an approximately 1.75 meter tall and 40-year-old man at around 1.45 p.m. The suspect had short dark blonde hair and was wearing gray trousers and a parka. The criminal police are now looking for witnesses who have observed suspicious people or vehicles in the Insterburger Straße area or in the surrounding area. Information is requested by calling 06181 100-123.

Cases of scams on the phone happen again and again. The perpetrators are trained and act extremely skilfully. Against this background, the police advise:

  • Never give money or valuables to strangers
  • Police and other authorities never ask for money to be handed over
    and valuables.
  • Never discuss your personal and
    financial circumstances.
  • If a caller asks you for money or other valuables:
    End the call immediately and hang up! Then choose
    Call the police emergency number 110 or contact your local
    police department.
  • Information on how to stand up against scams or others
    criminal offenses can be found on the Internet, for example at
    www.polizei-beratung.de or at the local authority
    criminal police advice centers. For the Main-Kinzig district
    Police chief inspector Stefan Adelmann from the police headquarters
    Southeast Hesse the contact person and by phone at the number
    06181 100-233 available.

(dj) On Wednesday evening around 9 p.m., an unknown person illegally gained access to a single-family house on Kinzigstrasse (single-digit house numbers) by levering open the terrace door. While the thief was rummaging through the apartment, he was disturbed by the returning residents and fled. During his escape, the perpetrator pushed the resident of the house, who was slightly injured, aside. When the ad was recorded, it was not yet clear whether the approximately 30-year-old had stolen something. The approximately 1.70 meter tall burglar was dressed in dark clothing and wore a dark headband or a dark hat. The criminal police asks residents and passers-by who have observed suspicious people or vehicles to call 06181 100-123.

Parked cars damaged – arrests thanks to witnesses – Maintal/Dörnigheim

(jm) After the exterior mirrors of at least 28 parked vehicles in Maintal-Dörnigheim were damaged over the weekend, the police are looking for further witnesses. On Saturday morning, shortly after 5 a.m., a witness called the police and said that three men in the August-Bebel-Strasse and Limesstrasse area were kicking off the exterior mirrors of parked vehicles. Shortly thereafter, the police officers who rushed to the scene temporarily arrested three suspects aged 18, 19 and 20. The 18 and 19-year-old men were apparently under the influence of alcohol and drugs and had to go to the police station to take a blood sample, among other things. In addition to the criminal proceedings on suspicion of property damage to vehicles, the 19-year-old is also facing proceedings on suspicion of violating the Narcotics Act. After the police measures, the adolescents were released again. According to initial findings, the left exterior mirror of a Range Rover in Limesstrasse was damaged. Over the course of the weekend, more than two dozen car owners reported to the police station, each with damaged wing mirrors. The vehicles were parked in the Breitscheidstrasse, Bürgernickelstrasse and in the Zeppelinstrasse area, among other places. The total damage is estimated at several thousand euros. The police are asking unknown witnesses and, if necessary, other victims to call the Maintal police station on 06191 4302-0.

(cl) Burglars who entered a single-family home on Darmstädter Strasse between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Saturday evening stole money and jewelry. The perpetrators had pried open the terrace door and searched the domicile after entering. The Hanau criminal police are now asking residents or passers-by who have observed suspicious people or vehicles to call 06181 100-123.

(cl) After an accident that occurred on Wednesday (February 14) at the intersection of Gelnhäuser Strasse and Hauptstrasse, the police are looking for witnesses. The decisive question for the intersection with traffic lights is: “Who was green?” Around 7 p.m., a 36-year-old VW Golf driver drove on Gelnhäuser Strasse and wanted to continue straight ahead at the said intersection in the direction of Geislitz. A 22-year-old Opel Corsa driver drove down the main road in the direction of Landstraße 3202. The two vehicles collided in the intersection area. The drivers from Linsengericht and Bad Soden-Salmünster were unharmed, but their vehicles suffered damage of around 6,500 euros. Both women each stated that they drove at the traffic light when the light was green. Witnesses please contact the Gelnhausen police station on 06051 827-0.

(jm) The police are looking for witnesses after an accident escape on Saturday evening in Auweg, in which a 16-year-old cyclist was injured. At around 7:30 p.m., the cyclist stood in front of a pedestrian crossing at number 1 and waited for two pedestrians to cross the zebra crossing. Meanwhile, a stranger drove his car along the Auweg in the direction of Gelnhäuser Straße and apparently brushed against the waiting youth as he drove past. The cyclist then fell and injured his right hand. He then had to be taken to a hospital. The driver left without doing his duty. The vehicle involved is said to have been a silver sedan. The police are now looking for witnesses, in particular the two pedestrians who saw the accident. Please call the escape investigators in Langenselbold on 06183 91155-0.

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