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Offenbach: Cultural scene uses grants | Rhine-Main

  • fromFabian Scheuermann

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Many creative people in Offenbach share the money from the city’s Corona emergency fund. Only 75,000 euros are available, but some are happy about every cent.

Offenbach’s free cultural scene is in high demand for urban support services. This was confirmed by the head of the Offenbacher Kulturamt, Ralph Philipp Ziegler, the FR. In the past weeks, around twenty applications for one-time help from the emergency fund for free cultural institutions had been received. The city had set up the fund in mid-April and endowed it with 75,000 euros.

If you convert the money to the applicants, around 4,000 euros should be paid out – if all applications are approved. Ziegler is aware that such a sum does not solve all the money problems of the creative artists in the city. But the clammy community couldn’t afford more. Individual cultural and creative people, of whom there are many in Offenbach, could not even apply.

Ziegler thinks that’s right. He says it is more effective to use the scarce money available to support institutions rather than individuals: “With individual funding, a sum of this amount would be lost,” said the head of the office. With 4000 euros something could be started.

In particular, facilities and associations with year-round events or exhibitions are to be funded, the existence of which is threatened by the effects of the corona pandemic. “As in every large city, the urban attitude towards life in Offenbach is also strongly related to the diversity of cultural offerings,” says the full-time magistrate, which launched the fund.

More info

More information on crowdfunding support from Offenbacher Stadtwerke can be found here: www.offenbach.de/crowdfunding

Applicants include the free theater “t-raum” and the Elmar Theater Club, which has existed since 1911 and has around one hundred honorary members. “We are happy about every cent,” says the chairman of the theater club, Simon Isser. In addition to the rents for the rehearsal room and workshop, there are other ongoing costs – such as fees for the online ticket system. However, revenue is not expected until December.

Fortunately, there is a lot of support from fans: The donations that have been received so far to ensure the survival of the theater association significantly exceed the foreseeable urban support, Isser says.

The association does not want to take a deferral of the rent payments, as it is offered in Offenbach for users of public real estate – there is too much concern that one is accumulating debts that cannot be repaid. However, reducing rents would be of great help, Isser says. Andrea Weiß from the cultural institution Hafen 2 comments similarly, which also rents urban spaces and has also applied for money from the cultural emergency fund. There are currently no ambitions for city and municipal utilities to reduce these rents.

The municipal utility company launched another – small – offer of support last week: donations made to non-profit Offenbach initiatives and associations via a crowdfunding platform are subsidized by the utility company with ten euros each: So a donation is passed over 20 euros, the municipal utilities put ten euros on top. For the time being, 6000 euros are available for this.

The city of Offenbach had already launched an aid program for the local economy in March: For example, the city waived gastronomy and retail sales in the second quarter, for example, special usage fees, and market fees do not have to be paid until autumn. In addition, companies that rent urban spaces can also defer their payments to the city.

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