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Offenbach budget with a minus of 21.4 million euros

  • fromEast Tinç


Chamberlain Martin Wilhelm brings in the budget for 2022 without tax increases. The social democrat scolded the old coalition and called on the state and federal government not to dump the legal costs on the municipality alone.

Chamberlain Martin Wilhelm (SPD) presented Offenbach city councilors with a balanced budget for 2022 on Thursday evening. The shortfall is, however, minus 21.4 million euros. In the budget for earnings, there are 543.1 million euros in income, compared to expenses of 564.5 million euros. “It can only be offset by drawing on the ordinary reserve,” said Wilhelm in his budget speech.

The Social Democrat emphasized several times that a property tax increase could only be avoided with extreme effort. “We saved 40 million euros in medium-term planning and thus prevented a property tax increase of 200 points,” said Wilhelm. 100 points correspond to around five million euros. There would be no buffer for the unforeseen. “In any case, I’m worried when I hear the word ‘super write-offs’ from the traffic lights in Berlin and wonder who should pay for it,” said Wilhelm.

What is meant are the plans of the SPD, the Greens and above all the FDP in the federal government to shorten the depreciation period for investments from ten to four years. Should the company make use of it, they would have to pay less business tax. That would be a disaster for the city of Offenbach. She plans to earn 80 million euros in trade tax income in 2021. For 2022, the conservative estimate is 77 million euros.

the austerity measures

Within the administration a rental freeze has been imposed. In the 2022 establishment plan, only 6.25 positions are planned, which are mandatory due to legal requirements. This leads to savings of 600,000 euros in 2022 and 1.2 million euros in 2023.

11.7 million euros will be saved in the offices until 2025. Refurbishment lump sums for maintenance measures at schools, daycare centers and streets were cut from 16 to 6 million euros by 2025.

The public utilities will pay out an annual amount of 1.5 million euros to the budget from 2024 onwards. Tim

At the beginning of his speech, Wilhelm criticized the previous coalition made up of the CDU, Greens, FDP and Free Voters. “A year ago, a budget was approved here that had a liquidity gap of 39 million euros in medium-term planning. For all years 2022 to 2024, neither the earnings budget nor the financial budget were balanced. ”Including a property tax reduction of 100 points, which was not financed. The budget was only approved by the Darmstadt Regional Council due to the special Corona exception. The foreseeable problems would have been huge, but were ignored by the old coalition.

Right from the start, since he took office in June, it was a matter of looking at all potential savings. It was particularly painful that it had meanwhile become known that the city would receive 15.5 million euros less from the key allocations from the municipal financial equalization scheme (KFA) for the year 2022. Compared to the 2021 budget, the KFA funds for the years 2022 to 2024 have been set at a total of 23.5 million euros lower.

The traffic light coalition had already decided in June to save 19 million euros in local public transport by 2025. In addition, 11.7 million euros were saved in the offices, personnel costs were slowed down and restructuring measures amounting to ten million euros were postponed.

“The problem for the budget is largely due to the fact that the federal and state governments continue to pass laws, the financing of which is largely left to the municipalities,” explained Wilhelm. The structural deficit for the city of Offenbach amounts to twelve million euros in 2022 alone. And what should not happen under any circumstances: that the state government is using the state court ruling on the Corona special fund to reduce the KFA pot. “The commitments made for the municipalities must be kept,” demanded Wilhelm. With today’s knowledge, a budget that can be approved is only possible with the highest budgetary discipline, even for the years 2023 and beyond. “We don’t expect a balanced, decent result until 2024,” said Wilhelm.

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