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Offenbach: Bars closed – Corona violations every minute at train station

Stricter controls in Offenbach are supposed to defuse the corona situation there. Several bars had to close temporarily and there were riots in the swimming pool.

  • In Offenbach there was recently a sharp increase in new corona infections
  • The city of Offenbach has therefore increased the requirements and has tightened controls
  • Over 200 large and small violations of the Corona rules have been identified so far

Offenbach – The alarming increase in new infections in Offenbach is mainly attributable to travelers returning from risk areas. However, the corona discipline in the city itself does not turn out to be harmless. This can be seen in an initial assessment by the city police after four days of tightened controls. 215 violations of the mask requirement, multiple ignoring of the ban on picnics in public spaces and close parties in four subsequently closed bars are registered and punished. Added to this is the dissolving of a tumult among swimming pool visitors.

As reported, the city police kept a keen eye on compliance with the corona rules from Thursday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Support came from the state police and voluntary police service.

Stricter corona controls: Offenbach nail salons also in view

In particular, the Marktplatz S-Bahn station, the bus stops at Marktplatz and Wilhelmsplatz, supermarkets, shisha and dance bars, restaurants, petrol stations, the weekly market and numerous shops, including hairdressers, nail salons and betting offices, were visited. The focus was on the city center, the area in front of the Main and the harbor stairs. In addition, the officers were in Bieber and Bürgel.

The city administrative staff and the state police had planned the action together after the number of newly infected people had skyrocketed last week. “Offenbach was at a low level for a long time, then suddenly we had a lot of new infections very quickly,” remembers Lord Mayor Felix Schwenke, who was there on tours and spoke to his fellow citizens.

Breach of mask requirement: Offenbach collects 50 euros

Even if the numbers have fallen again, the situation is still worse than it was two weeks ago. Mayor and head of the department for public order Peter Freier announces that the city police will continue to inspect them without indulgence in the near future. An everyday mask must be worn, among other things, who enters restaurants and shops as well as the S-Bahn stations. In addition, it is mandatory to wear a mask during the entire journey in trains and buses. Violations are punished with 50 euros.

According to the city police, an increasing number of citizens had complained that many people in the supermarket and on buses and trains did without mouth and nose protection.

Offenbach: Resistance to controls at the S-Bahn station

And not just negligently: In the S-Bahn station in particular, the inspectors had to fend off many discussions and resistance. Violations were found there every minute. Those who did not pay immediately can expect the fine proceedings in the next few days. The officers not only paid attention to whether a mask was worn, but also how it was worn. “It is not correct if the nose remains free,” emphasizes Freier.

He had announced the tougher crackdown: “There are no more discussions and no more admonitions. The time of indulgence is over. From now on, the cash will be collected immediately. ”Unfortunately, according to Freier, sometimes the only thing that helps is reaching into the wallet so that people adhere to the rules that have been in place for five months, which only served to protect other people from infection. In Freier’s impression, the actions are mostly well received: “I have heard from many that they think it is good and right that we are now taking tough action.”

Offenbach: Four bars have to close due to corona parties

The officials met with understanding at the weekend on the Main foreland. Groups in Leonhard-Eißnert-Park were less insightful and had to end their meeting abruptly. Public barbecues and picnics are currently prohibited in Offenbach in order to avoid crowds.

In restaurants and bars, too, the officials sometimes met with incomprehension. There, in individual cases, guests and staff did not wear mouth and nose protection or did not wear them correctly, and guest lists were not kept properly. Four bars had to be temporarily closed due to parties without a gap.

As reported, the situation at the weekend in the Rosenhöhe forest swimming pool was problematic. On Saturday afternoon there was a tumult between guests with tickets and those waiting who were hoping for remaining tickets. The city police monitored the entrance on Sunday. That went better. Around 5:40 p.m., however, there were tumults when a thunderstorm approached and 300 people refused to leave the bathroom. Twelve state police officers supported the city police in accompanying the guests to the exit. (tk)

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