Offenbach am Main bio-weather and pollen count forecast at a glance: You can read the current weather forecast for the Offenbach am Main region and how the weather with allergies or weather sensitivity can affect your health today and tomorrow here on
Weather forecast: It will be changeable. (Iconic image) Image: Adobe Stock / Simon
Your weather in Offenbach am Main today, Sunday, 09/03/2023 and tomorrow, Monday, 09/04/2023: Overcast
Today tomorrow we start the day in Offenbach am Main with 16 degrees. During the day, the temperatures climb up to 23 °C and fall again to 17 degrees on Monday night. Mostly cloudy today, no precipitation is to be expected. A weak wind is blowing with wind speeds of up to 11 km/h. The UV index is in the middle at 4.53.
Sunrise: 06:09 Sunset: 20:09
Morning early in the morning the temperatures in Offenbach am Main are 14 degrees and rise to 24 °C during the day. During the night the thermometer drops again to 19 degrees. Be prepared for mostly cloudy weather tomorrow as well. Rainfall is not announced. The wind blows weakly with wind speeds of up to 15 km/h. At 5.43, tomorrow’s UV Index will be in the mid-range.
Sunrise: 06:09 Sunset: 20:09
The organic weather in Offenbach am Main and the surrounding area today:
This morningThis afternoonGeneral condition🟢🟡Cardiovascular complaints (hypotonous)🟢🟡Cardiovascular complaints (weariness, dizziness)🟢🟡Sensitivity to headaches🟢🟡Cardiovascular complaints (hypertensive)🟢🟡Cardiovascular complaints🟢🟡Angina pectoris🟢🟢 Inflammatory rheumatism🟢🟡Degenerative rheumatism🟢🟢 Asthma🟢🟢psychological-mental performance🟢🟡Pain sensitivity🟢🟡Headache and migraine🟢🟡Sleep quality🟢🟡Concentration and performance🟢🟡irritability and motor restlessness🟢🟡readiness for depression🟢🟡
🔵 = positive influence
🟢 = no influence
🟡 = low risk
🔴 = high risk
** Thermal load:**
this morning: none
this afternoon: moderate heat stress
Today’s recommendations for weather sensitivity
For the general well-being, the heart and circulatory system, rheumatic complaints and asthma, there are the following recommendations: Prefer staying outside in the cooler morning and evening hours, adequate fluid intake, – caution in traffic.
Pollen count currently in Offenbach am Main
The pollen load today in Offenbach am Main:
Today alder ⚪ birch ⚪ rye ⚪ mugwort 🟢 grasses 🟡 hazel ⚪ ash ⚪ ragweed 🟢
⚪ = no burden
🟢 = no to little load
🟡 = low load
🟠 = low to medium load
🟤 = medium load
🔴 = medium to high load
⚫ = high load
+++ Editorial note: This text was automatically created on the basis of current data from OpenWeather (TM) and the German Weather Service (DWD). The DWD provides data updates for bio-weather and pollen count daily at 11 a.m. +++
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