Luciano Deicas, son of the renowned singer Rubén “Cacho” Deicas from the iconic group los Palmeras, has publicly addressed the ongoing speculation surrounding his father’s health. In a candid statement, Luciano refuted claims made by Marcos camino, another member of the band, who alleged that Cacho’s family had restricted dialog with him.“The idea was that the recovery process was within all normal,beyond that our father is a public figure. (But), unluckily, there is the weight of thes peopel who went out to speak things that are not. Everything has a limit,” Luciano stated. he also shared WhatsApp chats to counter Camino’s assertions, emphasizing that the family had never denied Cacho access to his phone.
Marcos Camino had previously claimed,“Unfortunately,your family does not allow you to use the phone. He has no communication with us, which is a very big penalty. We take care of him as much as his family. We only know what we manage to find out by third parties. We cannot talk to him because his children do not allow it.”
Cacho Deicas, the beloved frontman of Los Palmeras, suffered a stroke in mid-November 2024 after an aneurysm was detected. His health has been a topic of concern for fans and loved ones alike.Despite initial alarm, his family has assured the public that his recovery is progressing as expected.
Luciano also addressed Camino’s comments about the band’s canceled performances,stating,“Marcos claimed my dad,told him that after canceling these two dates they had added he could not go to sing for free (with Uriel Lozano),and free he put it up capitalized.” He shared screenshots of their conversations, expressing his confusion over Camino’s actions.
“I was waiting for a public apology. Perhaps his concern is because we as a family do not communicate with him. We were with our father,” Luciano added, highlighting the family’s commitment to Cacho’s well-being.
Key Points Summary
| Topic | Details |
| Health Update | Cacho Deicas suffered a stroke in November 2024; recovery is ongoing. |
| Family’s Response | Luciano Deicas refuted claims of restricted communication. |
| Marcos Camino’s Claims | Alleged that Cacho’s family prevented phone use and communication. |
| Canceled Performances | Dispute over canceled dates and accusations of unpaid performances. |
For more updates on Cacho Deicas’ health, click here.
The Deicas family continues to prioritize Cacho’s recovery, urging the public to respect their privacy during this challenging time.Stay tuned for further developments.Luciano Deicas Shares WhatsApp Chats Amid Family Drama and Health Concerns
In a recent social media revelation, Luciano Deicas, son of renowned musician Cacho Deicas, shared a series of WhatsApp chats that have sparked widespread attention.The screenshots, posted on Instagram, depict a conversation between Marcos Camino and cacho Deicas, shedding light on ongoing family tensions and health concerns.
The images, shared on Luciano’s Instagram account, show a candid exchange between the two figures.Alongside the chats, luciano expressed his frustration over what he described as “a series of abuse” towards his father. He questioned why Cacho continues to endure the demands of his performance schedule, stating, “that only he knows why he continues to support them.”
Amid the drama, Luciano provided an update on his father’s health, offering reassurance to fans.“It is still in treatment, it is lucid.It is indeed a bull.You will get it,” he said, emphasizing Cacho’s resilience.
Luciano also addressed allegations that the family had kept Cacho isolated,clarifying that this was far from the truth.“The family, at no time, had it incommunicado,” he stated. He explained that adrian Forni, who organizes Cacho’s appearances, has been in regular contact with the family. Luciano added that Marcos Camino was not as informed about Cacho’s health because he “did not approach,he did not ask and bother to know.”
The post concluded with heartfelt gratitude to those who have supported Cacho during this challenging time. “Many people who prayed for him, always worrying; a lot of people who want to see it well,” Luciano wrote, acknowledging the outpouring of love and concern from fans and well-wishers.
Key Points summary
| Aspect | Details |
| WhatsApp Chats | Shared by Luciano Deicas, featuring a conversation between Marcos camino and Cacho Deicas. |
| health Update | Cacho Deicas is “still in treatment, lucid, and resilient.” |
| Family Communication | Luciano denies claims of isolation, stating Cacho was always in contact with Adrian Forni. |
| Marcos Camino’s Role | Allegedly unaware of cacho’s health due to lack of initiative. |
This revelation has not only highlighted the personal struggles within the Deicas family but also underscored the importance of clarity and communication in times of crisis. As fans continue to rally behind Cacho,the family remains hopeful for his recovery and future endeavors.
For more updates on this developing story, follow Luciano Deicas on Instagram and stay tuned to our platform for the latest news.