There are vital issues for today’s society that leave little room for longing. These remain for literature and historical records. Those need to be undertaken without waiting, if a universal catastrophe is to be avoided, which would devastate everything built by previous generations. While entrepreneurs, creatives, thinkers, scientists, researchers and teachers have taken care of implementing what is necessary to improve man and his natural and social environment, through the creation and implementation of the elements within his reach, other ambitious, arrogant actors and petty, they only seek profit, hedonism and power, for which, as in wrestling, anything goes.
Due to irregular cycles, innovators appear who propose substantial changes in the way of life of living beings: humans, animals and plants. Some of these de facto “providential messiahs” who, unfortunately for communities around the world, have prospered, upset the scale of values, related to fundamental goods such as agriculture, productive work, education, solidarity with fellow human beings , the respect and protection due to Nature, healthy coexistence and tolerance in the face of differences: racial, ideological, philosophical…, to prioritize monetarism, greedy and speculative, and the exploitation of perishable goods for industrial production and generation of energy, putting aside the logic of the survival of the species.
This figure has an example at hand and it is the use of chemicals for fertilizing agriculture, rejecting the idea of feedback from plants with their own elements that cannot be used in gastronomy (peels, leaves, etc.) and with eradicated weeds. , which are identified as organic fertilizers. Fertilizers and fungicides make agricultural production more expensive, eliminate jobs, to simplify processes with minimal labor; they reduce the food resources of birds and insects and kill species of these essential for soil conservation and pollination, which guarantee agricultural production, climatic balance and environmental purity.
Unfortunately, an economic approach, supposedly innovative, prioritizes monetary speculation, industrialization without regard for the environment and the investment of human values, so that the objectives that are instilled in children and young people through communication systems increasingly aggressive encourage consumerism, an easy life, quick enrichment and the rise to power of those with a political vocation, without ethical impediments or social scruples.
On the world scene, the scrambles of the powerful countries to seize the markets are increasingly evident, with no one preventing them from leaving the weak nations in misery and without natural resources; the garroteras of big capitalists for taking over the most profitable businesses; students’ aspirations to acquire degrees rather than to increase knowledge; and the intellectual and moral mediocrity of rulers, legislators, and judges. But, for now, it is a priority to know what the singer’s fight with the footballer will stop, who care more about commercial success than the emotional well-being of their children.