The photograph that accompanies each year Felipe VI during his Christmas speech It is very significant, because it sums up what has been the most important thing for Casa Real in the previous months. On past occasions he has opted for some institutional ones, such as that of Leonor reading the Constitution in 2018, and others have been more familiar. This time he has opted for one of the first groups, the institutional ones, with a very strong portrait.

Queen Letizia’s wardrobe in 2022, in numbers: the analysis of her year
Graphics: data unit
Regard a group photo taken in June 2022 in the Royal Palace of Madrid. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia hosted a dinner offered in honor of the NATO summit that day, held in Spain. Major world leaders have met there, from Joe Biden, president of the United States, to former British prime minister, Boris Johnson, or Macron, president of France. The Sala delle Colonne was the scene of the portrait with all the participants and the Kings in the centre.
Felipe VI delivers his traditional Christmas Eve speech. (EFE/Pool/Ballesteros)
The speech, that was recorded a few days ago in the Zarzuela palace, It had a Christmas scenery, something we haven’t seen in Christmas. The Kings opted for a photograph of their daughters, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía, posing in the gardens of their residence in front of a tree. An autumnal print without any holiday motif. This is because Their Majesties want to respect the religious plurality of all Spaniards, and not everyone celebrates Christmas.
However, for Christmas Eve SpeechFelipe VI had a great time tree, decorated with balls white, gold and brown. There was also a manger, with a nativity scene, as well as various Christmas plants, such as eucalyptus and poinsettias.
Felipe VI during his Christmas speech. (EFE/Pool/Ballesteros)
The king concluded his speech with a reference to his wife and daughters: “On this very special night, thank you very much for your attention and together with the Queen and our daughters, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year. Eguberri On, Bon Nadal, Boas Festas”.
The photograph that accompanies each year Felipe VI during his Christmas speech It is very significant, because it sums up what has been the most important thing for Casa Real in the previous months. On past occasions he has opted for some institutional ones, such as that of Leonor reading the Constitution in 2018, and others have been more familiar. This time he has opted for one of the first groups, the institutional ones, with a very strong portrait.