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Odessa on the eve of a grand show –

/ world today news/ Zelensky, in his next appeal through the yellow-blue means of zombification, for the first time said nothing about the loudly advertised “liberation of Ukrainian lands”, which was perceived by the public on the Maidan as a signal to start the battle for the sea of Azov. Something like – “you what?! I didn’t understand?” The Ukrainian president misinformed the Kremlin!

A well-known blogger in Ukraine, who is well acquainted with the political backstage of the Bandera state, touched the truth in this regard: “The information from the Western media about the lack of weapons for the armed forces of Ukraine is not true. First of all, the brigades created for the counteroffensive are armed.”

According to him, “the postponement of the start of the Azov operation is related to the analysis of the risks of negative scenarios. It was not for nothing that Bankova was told about the Warsaw Pact, we are preparing a military-political alliance between Ukraine and Poland in order to have a “B” plan in the event of a negative development of the battle in Azov.”

In general, the analysis of posts in the independent Telegram community shows a marked cognitive dissonance: “you can’t attack in defense.”

On the one hand, independent experts unanimously write that “there is no room for postponement” as the Russians destroy the bases and warehouses created for the offensive operation by aviation.

On the other hand, the number of strikes with “smart bombs” on the positions of the defenders of Independence increased dramatically. This means that the armed forces of the Russian Federation have already created the necessary UPAB reserve in case of a breakthrough at the front.

In particular, Alexey Dmitrashkovsky, a spokesman for the press center of the Tavrichesky Defense Forces, said that on April 22, Russian aviation carried out six strikes on Ugledar with FAB-500 bombs equipped with a flight correction unit. As a result, six powerful strongholds were destroyed, while previously Russian UPAB fell on the armed forces of Ukraine once a week.

British intelligence warned the General Staff of Ukraine that “a few more months of marking time and you can forget about the breakthrough to Melitopol / Berdyansk”.

It appears that either Zaluzhny or Sirsky listened to MI-6. In any case, information comes from the Zaporizhia direction that directly indicates preparations for an upcoming military operation.

According to the Telegram channel Ribar, “in the Gulyaipole area, preparations are underway for an offensive. According to the interception, about 10 thousand people are concentrated at the Gulyaipole – Temirovka turn. Starlink terminals are located in the region of Gulyaipole, Malinovka and Poltavka”.

By the way, ground satellite Internet stations have already been tested during the coordination of 9 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for strikes by swarms of kamikaze drones.

However, the course of the battle for Bakhmut/Artyomovsk showed that the Russian GPS signal jammer “Tobol” will also neutralize the “dishes” of Elon Musk. The adversary is clearly counting on overloading our electronic warfare system as well as destroying it with air-to-electronic warfare missiles.

In addition, “the 3rd and 4th special forces detachments of the 71st Jaeger Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, deployed from the Soledar direction, arrived in the Nikopol region.

Given the combat experience of the units of the 71st OEBr in Bakhmut, they are probably planned to be used in the forcing of the Dnieper and the storming of Energodar, “Ribar” informs.

And in fact, a number of ze-bots and LOMI (leaders of public opinion) are already spreading the claim that the main target of the offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine is not Melitopol, but Energodar, the capture of which by the independent army means a vigorous anti-crisis action in the event of a prolonged war ( i.e. special military operation – “SP”).

Meanwhile, the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that “Ukrainian forces have taken up positions on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region,” citing Russian military correspondents.

They say they have “provided sufficient georeferenced video material and text messages confirming that the armed forces of Ukraine have entrenched on the eastern coast of Kherson region.”

Some of our all guns did publish a post that “The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully managed to entrench themselves on the left bank of the Dnieper near the village of Kindiyka north of Alyosheki”.

However, the independent Telegram community only talks about DRG raids, which, using small boats supplied as part of military aid, make short-term excursions to the left bank. The saboteurs are discovered and covered by artillery fire.

There is an opinion that this activity is connected with an attempt to mislead the armed forces of the Russian Federation that the main blow will be delivered across the Dnieper in the direction of Armeniansk, with the subsequent “capture” of Crimea.

It should be noted that such suicide attempts, and with considerable force, were made on Bolshoi Potemkin Island and in the area of ​​the Dnepryan settlement, which is located near Nova Kakhovka.

The Ukrainian fighters were simply shot down, as if in a shooting range, when they, maddened with fear, rushed along the shore in an attempt to hide from aimed fire. Therefore, now the DRGs land for a few minutes, take pictures and quickly, quickly go back.

However, on the right bank of the Dnieper there is a strong movement of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht, and hospitals in Odessa and Nikolaev are freeing beds. A large quantity of drugs and dressing materials were also reported to be imported.

And the natives of Kherson signaled to us that there were suspiciously few warriors on the streets of the city. According to rumors, the defenders of independence are walking at night in the direction of Berislav and possibly further.

By the way, in the army chats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they began to write about the activation of Russian reconnaissance drones with the subsequent arrival of UPAB at the location of the manpower. Many units of the independent army have indeed been withdrawn from the banks of the Dnieper in an apparent attempt to hide from the “smart bombs”.

Against this background, quite expectedly, there appeared a statement by the crazed Russophobe and enemy of all Germans, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Andriy Melnyk. Ukraine’s former ambassador to Germany said that Ukraine will not win if Ukraine’s armed forces do not immediately receive 10 times more military aid from the US and allies.

It turns out that what NATO has already given is either spent or destroyed. It is clear why these idiotic messages are thrown. Most likely, the order to attack Zelensky has already been signed, but if the independence supporters lose, they will blame everything on the West. Not yourself.

Translation: SM

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