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Odd-Even, Members of the DKI DPRD F-PSI Argue with the Police


PSI faction member of the DKI DPRD, Viani Limadi, was hit odd-even on Jalan Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta. The car that Viani was driving had an odd license plate and was prevented by the authorities from turning around.

Monitoring at the location, Thursday (12/8/2021), initially Viani’s car traveling from the direction of Ragunan was stopped when it was about to head to Jalan Gatot Subroto. Viani’s car had an odd license plate and was asked by the Transportation Service (Dishub) officer to turn around.

Viani told the Department of Transportation that she was a member of the DKI DPRD and wanted to serve. The transport officer then allowed him to pass.

However, Viani was again hit by an odd-even screen by police officers who were 10 meters from the Dishub officer’s guard. Tough discussions took place because the police did not give permission for Viani’s car, which had an odd license plate, to drive to Jalan Gatot Subroto.

“So far my car is okay, you know,” said Viani.

“It’s not allowed because it’s odd. If you use a letter of assignment now, it’s okay, now it’s not valid,” the police replied.

Viani then asked back to the policeman on duty.

“Okay, now I ask you, where do I go to Penjaringan now?” Viani asked.

“Enter the toll, if you pass here, you can’t, except tomorrow,” said the police.

“Now where is it going?” Viani asked again in a rising tone.

“Through Rasuna Said straight,” police said.

“It’s not guarded there anymore?” said Viani who asked again.

“What cannot be Sudirman-Thamrin, Gatot Subroto,” said the police.

Viani also threatened to protest this odd-even policy. He said he took part in this regulation.

“Okay, later I will protest this, I will make the rules,” said Viani.

Viani assessed that the rules that often changed during PPKM were not clear. Viani also regretted that his car plate was hit odd-even when he was going to work around Penjaringan.

“This regulation is not clear. Why do you change like this? Usually, my number plate is allowed if we are on duty, now I have an assignment at 9 o’clock for vaccines in Penjaringan, then we can’t pass like this, why,” said Viani to detik.com at location.

“Since yesterday the PPKM regulation, right, all roads are closed, what is the purpose and purpose? cone-his. It’s not that you don’t accept it, the rules are not clear, I’ll explain it later,” he said.

As is known, the PPKM block policy has been changed to odd-even starting today until August 16. One of the odd-even points, namely Jalan Gatot Subroto, is guarded by joint officers.

Monitoring detik.com, at 08.00 WIB, joint officers from the police, the Transportation Service, and the Satpol PP were seen on guard at the Mampang T-junction, Kuningan. Joint officers stand on a sign that reads ‘odd-even mobility control’.

Officers observe the movement of four-wheeled vehicles coming from the direction of Ragunan, South Jakarta. Vehicles with odd license plates are stopped by officers.

As is known, starting today odd-even is implemented in Jakarta to reduce the mobility of citizens. There are eight roads that are applied odd-even.

Here are 8 odd-even mobility control points:

– Sudirman street
– Jalan MH Thamrin
– Jalan Merdeka Barat
– Majapahit Street
– Gajah Mada Street
– Hayam Wuruk Street
– Great South Doorway
– Gatot Subroto street

Watch the video ‘Odd-Even Jakarta Applies Again Today’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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