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Oculus Rift S is going out of production and will not get a successor – Gaming – News

The idea of ​​meeting each other using VR technology is of course a good idea, and I think it will be the norm in the future. We travel far too much unnecessarily for work, socializing, recreation and vacation. In time, VR experience will eventually become photo-realistic, so that we no longer have to travel, with obvious welfare, environmental, financial and hygiene benefits.

Wellness Benefits:
– What is travel time now becomes free time. Sleep longer, more time for hobbies (relaxation and stress relief)
– Less stress due to (imposed) social conventions. With a work avatar you are always jacket-tie in a meeting at work when in reality you are at home unshaven in casual clothes.
– Someone’s appearance becomes unimportant. Your chosen avatar can be customized by the person who receives it. Sexism, racism and age discrimination in the workplace will then no longer exist: those who object to middle-aged white women simply portray them as young tanned men: problem solved.
– Holidays and recreation get better because you no longer have to travel, you can stay in your own accommodation (comfort of your own bed and bathroom is always better than that of a hotel) and you are not bothered by other people. Think how much nicer a visit to a museum or nature experience is without the other visitors present?
– Your experience of outings is getting better. In the cinema, stadium, concert, funeral, wedding, etc., you almost always do not have the optimal seat or viewpoint. Let alone that seat is more comfortable than what you have at home. With VR, everyone always has the optimal point of view.

Environmental benefits:
– No more vehicles or public transport needed for transporting people. No more environmental impact from emissions and use of raw materials for the production of vehicles.
– Less clothing is needed because apart from what you wear at home, all clothing is virtual.

Financial advantages:
– Travel costs are no longer a cost item. VR does, of course, but that will ultimately be cheaper than car ownership and public transport infrastructure.
– Vacations can become cheaper because flying is no longer necessary. It also brings cultural enrichment for those on a budget: they can now also see the Pyramids of Giza, visit the Smithsonian or enjoy the natural beauty of Hawaii.

Hygiene benefits:
– Less contact with other people means less transmission of viruses and bacteria.
– Holidays from home are also healthier: hotel beds are not hygienic, camping sanitary facilities and airplane toilets are also not exactly an example of hygiene.

I see many advantages, but something like that should not be implemented by Facebook or other privacy-violating party.

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