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October Astrology Predictions: Eclipses, Tarot Cards, and Love Horoscopes

October will be a period of complete reboot. Two eclipses await us – solar and lunar, which will have a significant impact on the ongoing processes. In the interval between these phenomena, there will be a corridor of eclipses, and therefore Western astrologers do not recommend starting new things and making vital decisions.

On October 22, Mercury will begin transiting Scorpio, and balance will be replaced by critical thinking, the ability to quickly find weaknesses in any idea or situation. On October 9, Venus will move into Virgo, cooling passions in relationships and offering restraint and common sense in return.

See more about each zodiac sign in our women’s horoscope.

October tarot cards for each zodiac sign

Aries woman

For you, ladies, the first half of October will be rich in bright events, during which you will be able to prove yourself in society, gain popularity. This will be related to professional activities, business and work. First positions will be occupied by those of you who always rely only on yourself and your own strength. The second half of the month will require you to review your environment and contacts and part with outdated relationships. This will make room for new interesting people and improve the quality of the remaining relationships in your life. A similar situation will develop in the sphere of love.

The Taurus woman

The month hides some instability. Conservative ladies, however, will find any uncertainty quite stressful. In terms of work, you will have situations of trials, but you will be able to cope with everything. You will not lack success, and some of you will set new and more ambitious goals. The financial sphere will also be a little unstable, so do not overspend. Money will be enough for you, but it is possible that some benefits will tempt you. The stars advise you to take good care of your spirit and body.

4 zodiac signs for whom October will be filled with love

The Gemini woman

It is possible that in the first days of the new month you feel a little more depressed. The harmonious placement of Mercury will bring women born under the sign of Gemini more energy and enthusiasm. You will have the opportunity to achieve significant success in your profession. In the sphere of finance, you will also see significant improvements, which will allow you to look confidently into the future. Love will also bring you satisfaction.

Love horoscope for October

The Cancer woman

For you Cancer ladies, the new month will be a period of holding positions. Many of you will prefer to fixate on what has been achieved, and new ideas in business will be postponed until next month, when there will be more favorable circumstances for it. You can expect stability and routine at work. As for finances, you will prefer to accumulate cash resources, saving unnecessary expenses in favor of planned large investments. Changes are also possible in the sphere of romance, but the result will depend on you.

October tarot cards for each zodiac sign

The Leo woman

The new month of October will bring you a lot of fun, flirting and exciting communication. However, you should not relax too much, because this can lead to financial instability. Lionesses will tend to spend more than they earn, and the state of their finances at the end of the month may cause some tension. In terms of work, not much change is expected, but it will be important to complete your projects and perform at your level. The stars advise you to take good care of your health.

Love horoscope for October

The Virgo woman

Auspicious period! Tense situations from the past month will gradually be resolved, conflicts will be ironed out, and you will begin to look to the future with more optimism. Many representatives of this sign will have good chances to start their own business or change their job to a more promising and profitable one.

Finances will require you to make focused efforts and creative approaches that will give you quick positive results. In love, try to avoid confrontations and arguments, no matter if you are in a relationship or dating someone.

October tarot cards for each zodiac sign

The Libra woman

A month of long-awaited triumph awaits you. Opportunities to occupy a higher position will appear in the professional sphere. Your financial situation will improve significantly compared to the previous period, and this will be a well-deserved reward for your efforts. The romantic sphere will be eventful for those looking for a partner for a serious relationship. As for health, the stars advise you to take good care of your spirit and body.

Love horoscope for October

The Scorpio woman

For you, the month of October will be associated with strengthening the dynamics of ongoing processes. All things that for some reason have not made progress or been postponed will now be triggered. With money, you can also make progress, thanks to new sources of income. If you are planning a trip, it will fill you with many positive emotions. After October 11, you may feel a stir in terms of love as well. Take good care of your spirit and body.

Tarot cards until the end of 2023 for each zodiac sign

The Sagittarius woman

A period of stability awaits you. In the near future, the representatives of the sign will be satisfied with the material side of life, which will give them many reasons for joy and opportunities to plan some trips and desired purchases, improve living conditions, successfully resolve property issues.

In terms of work, try to consolidate the achieved success. If you are given the opportunity for training, upgrading your qualifications, do not hesitate to take advantage. For those in a relationship, the period will bring more romance.

Love horoscope for October

The Capricorn woman

Some tensions are possible, which will be related to the financial side of life. Some ladies of this sign will have to review the balance of expenses and income and adjust the planned expenses.

The ability to wisely manage resources is inherent in almost all representatives of this earth sign, so ladies, you should not be afraid of financial failures or lack of funds. Health can remind those of you who lead a sedentary lifestyle to take care of yourself.

October tarot cards for each zodiac sign

Aquarius woman

During the new period, it will be important to balance your emotions and not allow melancholy to harm your positive thinking. Those of you who are planning career changes may find yourself in a new, more exciting job, or your current company may undergo some reorganization to make your work more interesting.

The material part of your life will be stable, you will continue to receive your funds as planned. Your loved ones will need more of your attention at times. At the end of the month, after two eclipses, your emotional mood will improve and you will begin to look to the future with the usual optimism.

Love horoscope for October

The Pisces woman

A dynamic month awaits you, dear ladies. Family cares will take up much of your free time. Fortunately, you will be in good health, which will allow you to cope with increased stress in difficult times, if any. The professional sphere will delight you with career development. Cash flows will be stable, which will allow you to make long-planned purchases. In terms of love, the month will also be more interesting.

2023-09-27 18:39:58
#Womens #Horoscope #October #Azjenata.bg

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