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October 2023 Draconid Meteor Shower Schedule and How to See it – A Guide

Solo – There are a series of celestial phenomena that will appear in October this year, one of which is the Draconid meteor shower which will appear today, October 9 2023. For those who are curious to observe the Draconid meteor shower, you can follow the schedule below.

Quoted from Seasky.org, the Draconid meteor shower is caused by dust left by comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was first discovered in 1900.

Meanwhile, it was explained on the Instagram of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) that meteor showers are meteors that fall and pass through the surface of the earth in large numbers, so that from the surface of the earth it will look like rain is falling.

Draconid Meteor Shower

Still from the LAPAN Instagram page, this year, the intensity of the meteors that will appear in the Draconid meteor shower is 1.8-3.0 meteors per hour.

NASA further explains that Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner is a small comet with a diameter of about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles). This comet takes about 6.6 years to orbit the Sun once.

The last time comet Giacobini-Zinner reached perihelion (closest point to the Sun) was on February 11, 2012. The next perihelion is scheduled to occur in 2018.

Every time Giacobini-Zinner returns to the inner solar system, its core releases ice and rock into space. This dust produces an annual meteor shower known as the Draconids, which occurs every year in early October.

The Draconids are centered on the northern constellation Draco, the dragon. In most years, these showers tend to be weak, and often only a few meteors are visible. However, there are also records of Draconid meteor storms (sometimes called Giacobinid meteors).

A meteor storm is observed when a thousand or more meteors are visible per hour at the observer’s location. At its peak in 1933, 500 Draconid meteors were visible per minute in Europe. 1946 was also a good year for the Draconids, with 50 to 100 meteors visible per minute in the United States.

What time can you see the Draconid Meteor Shower?

Still from seasky.org, Draconids have unique characteristics, namely that the best observations can be made in the early evening, in contrast to other meteor showers which are usually best seen in the early morning. This meteor shower occurs every year from October 6 to 10.

Quoting the Southern Sky page, the Draconid Meteor Shower can be enjoyed after the sun has set until the Draco constellation is no longer visible at 21.32 WIB.

How to See the Draconid Meteor Shower

The best location to see them is early in the evening, away from city lights. It is recommended to look for an observation location that is far from light pollution to better hunt for Draconid meteors.

Meteors will appear to originate from the constellation Draco, but can appear anywhere in the sky. Meteor showers can be seen directly without the help of any equipment. However, because of its small size, it would be better to use tools, such as a telescope.

This is the information regarding the Draconid meteor shower phenomenon which will appear today. Hope it is useful!

This article was written by Muthia Alya Rahmawati, a participant in the Merdeka Campus Certified Internship Program at detikcom

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2023-10-09 09:01:06
#time #todays #Draconid #Meteor #Shower #schedule

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