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Ochtrup company wins tender for school bus routes: Coesfeld companies exit – Coesfeld

“That will not do. You can’t do that for that, ”he clarifies. That’s why he’s out from January. “That’s sad,” he says. He must therefore cut four jobs. Three employees become unemployed, one retires. He will reduce the vehicle fleet. Pier-Hüwe, who has only driven one line out of the bundle so far, is not hit that hard. But owner Heiner Pier is also annoyed about “how it went”. As he has heard, Veelker is said to have hired companies from Billerbeck, Dülmen and Nottuln. As a result, he observes, the trade tax is also migrating: “They don’t pay a cent here,” he sees a disadvantage for the city of Coesfeld as a result of the external allocation. The students could also suffer. “The foreign companies don’t know their way around”, explains Buckting, “chaos is to be expected”, at least in the first few months. Another aspect, from his point of view, is climate protection: he predicts that empty journeys from other locations will increase pollution.

Why are the foreign companies doing this to themselves? Buckting suspects that this is related to the corona crisis. “They have lost a lot in travel and are now taking everything they can get with them.”

Gerrit Tranel, Managing Director Bus at the ZVM in Münster, who was responsible for the procurement procedure, can understand the anger among the Coesfeld entrepreneurs. However, he does not want to comment on the specific procedure because it has not yet been formally completed: “The approval authority is the district government,” he explains. They haven’t signed that yet. So far, the bidders have only been informed about the result of the tender. Obviously they were already starting to plan.

Regardless of the case at hand, Tranel makes it clear that offers are always checked to see whether the pricing is realistic: “It is questioned whether he can drive to the conditions.” later also checked. Basically, he doesn’t see any problems with external providers with regard to local knowledge either: “They all come from the Münsterland and know their way around.” Most of the time, wagons are stationed at the site later to avoid empty runs.

The city of Coesfeld assumes that there will be no disadvantages for the students. “It is up to the group that orders the services to check that,” emphasizes spokeswoman Andrea Zirkel. The city itself had only expressed itself critically in a hearing on the tender that the school traffic to and from Lette had not been included: “We would have liked that.”

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