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OceanGate’s Risky Design: Glue and Carbon Fiber Hull of the Titan Submarine

In a 2018 video on OceanGate’s YouTube channel, Rush oversaw the joining of a titanium ring to a boat’s carbon fiber hull.

He said the glue that held the two pieces together was “very thick, so it wasn’t like Elmer’s glue.” “It’s like peanut butter,” he added.

Earlier in the video, Rush said the design of the boat structure is “quite simple, but if we mess it up, there’s not much chance of fixing it.”

Experts and former OceanGate employees informed Rush that the Titan submarine – including its glue and carbon fiber hull – appeared insufficiently secure and could collapse under the pressure of the ocean. Rush, however, cited “innovation” as the reason for the boat’s experimental design. And he claimed that was why it had never been checked against industry standards.

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The submarine Titan imploded last month during an expedition to the wreck of the Titanic, killing all five people on board, including Rush.

Everything indicates that the experimental carbon fiber fuselage was the first to fail in the ill-fated mission, which led to the implosion.

The above text is a reprint from American edition of Insider, prepared entirely by the local editorial office.

Translation: Dorothy Salus

2023-07-06 12:39:37
#OceanGate #CEO #glue #held #Titan #peanut #butter

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