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OceanGate’s CEO highlights importance of young and inspirational staff for Titanic expedition submarine

OceanGate’s CEO, Stockton Rush, has sparked controversy by stating that he is reluctant to hire experienced professionals to operate the Titanic expedition submarine because they are not inspiring. In an interview with Teledyne Marina, Rush explained that he does not hire “50-year-old white men” with military experience because he believes they lack inspiration.

Rush went on to say that he believes anyone can pilot a submarine and that the expertise of ex-naval military men is not necessary. In fact, OceanGate allows the submarine to be controlled with a video game controller, which costs only $30. Rush’s goal is to have a team of young people who are bright, motivated, and inspirational.

“I want our team to be younger, to be inspirational and I’m not going to inspire a 16-year-old to pursue marine technology, but a 25-year-old who is a sub pilot or platform operator or one of our engineers could be an inspiration,” Rush said.

However, this controversial decision has raised concerns about the safety and expertise of the crew operating the submarine. Prior to the incident where the submarine disappeared, Rush had made two trips to the wreck of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of 12,500 feet at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The submarine was reported missing on Sunday, carrying five people, including a billionaire.

According to a Reuters report, the tourist submarine allegedly exploded at a depth of 4,000 meters and was crushed into debris found about 488 meters from the Titanic wreck. The incident has raised questions about the qualifications and training of the crew members.

OceanGate’s decision to prioritize youth and inspiration over experience and expertise has drawn criticism from many who believe that safety should be the top priority in such expeditions. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of hiring qualified professionals and ensuring proper training and safety measures are in place.

As investigations into the incident continue, the focus now shifts to finding answers and holding those responsible accountable for the tragedy. The loss of the Titanic expedition submarine serves as a tragic reminder of the risks involved in exploring the depths of the ocean and the need for caution and expertise in such endeavors.

Watch the video “OceanGate’s Grief for the Titanic Submarine Tragedy: Our Hearts are with Their Souls” for more information on this devastating incident.

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How does Rush’s unconventional hiring approach in selecting submarine pilots make ocean exploration more accessible to individuals without extensive experience in operating submarines?

Troller, which makes it accessible to a wider range of individuals who may not have extensive experience in operating submarines.

In response to the controversy sparked by his statements, Rush clarified that he values diversity and is focused on creating a team that brings together different perspectives and backgrounds. He emphasized that OceanGate’s priority is to hire people who are passionate and have a deep appreciation for the importance of ocean exploration.

Rush’s unconventional hiring approach has drawn support from some who believe it will provide new opportunities for aspiring submarine pilots who may have been overlooked by traditional hiring practices. They argue that this approach can open doors for individuals who have a genuine interest in exploring the depths of the ocean but may not have had the opportunity to gain extensive experience in the military or other related fields.

On the other hand, critics argue that Rush’s stance neglects the value of experience and the skills that come with it. They caution that operating a submarine in the challenging and often treacherous conditions of the deep sea requires specialized knowledge and expertise that can only be acquired through years of training and experience. They worry that Rush’s emphasis on inspiration may overshadow the importance of technical proficiency and safety.

Despite the controversy, OceanGate remains steadfast in its mission to make ocean exploration more accessible and inclusive. By taking a different approach to hiring, the company hopes to foster a diverse team that brings unique perspectives and enhances innovation in the field of deep-sea exploration. Whether this strategy proves successful or not remains to be seen, but one thing is clear – OceanGate’s unconventional approach has certainly ignited a lively debate within the industry.

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