ALBLASSERDAM – Yacht builder Oceanco in Alblasserdam drove out a new mega yacht of 109 meters on Friday afternoon, March 11, 2022. This happened to a loud ship horn. It is about the Y720. The colossus was wheeled out with the utmost precision. In the coming days, the yacht will be put on a pontoon and launched.

Lots of glass and gray
The vessel is characterized by prominent use of glass, with the main deck, bridge and upper deck completely surrounded by large glass windows. The gray color is also striking. It is only the second time that Oceanco has produced a gray yacht. Most other yachts are mainly white in color.

There was already much speculation about the future owner on Friday. The most frequently mentioned name is that of director Steven Spielberg. The world famous filmmaker bought a yacht in Alblasserdam in 2010. This yacht, the Seven Seas, was put up for sale by him last year and has since been sold. Whether he will actually become the new owner of the Y720 will become clear in the future. Oceanco itself will never mention an owner’s name, as the company is contractually bound by all privacy terms.

sailing yacht
Another name that was mentioned by bystanders on Friday is that of Amazon boss Jeff Bezos. This American has been in the news a lot lately, because his sailing yacht is so large that De Hef (bridge, ed.) in Rotterdam has to be partly dismantled for this. However, Bezos’ yacht is a sailing yacht and not a motor yacht like the Y720, so the chance that the Y720 is also his is not so great. The sailing yacht of Bezos is still in the other hall of Oceanco. We are still working hard on this.

An Oceanco press officer said on Friday that the Y720 is a milestone for Oceanco, because the first construction phase took place at Oceanco’s branch in Zwijndrecht. The completion will take place in Alblasserdam, in order to minimize the impact on the environment, the company reports. Furthermore, Oceanco reports: “
The owner played a key role in the design process, making the Y720 a very special yacht. The yacht is designed with technologically advanced environmental systems that exceed current regulations.”

The Y720 will be further built in the coming months. Delivery is scheduled for later this year. In the meantime, the last dots are being put on the i and some sea trials, which are called sea trials in technical terms, will take place.