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Occupational Health and Safety Week: The CSN wants to make it a priority

With the adoption of Bill 59, which will become the new Bill 27, all workplaces will have to demand and act in the area of ​​occupational health and safety (OHS), according to the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CSN).

From October 17 to 23, 2021, during National Occupational Health and Safety Week, the CSN reiterates the importance of putting in place prevention mechanisms and acting quickly to eliminate workplace hazards. .

« Even if we recognize certain advances, instead of really modernizing the Act respecting occupational health and safety (LSST) and the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (AIAOD), Bill no.59 by the Minister of Travail, Jean Boulet, imposed on us significant historical setbacks with which we now have to deal», Denounces David Bergeron-Cyr, vice-president of the CSN, political head of OHS.

« We must therefore redouble our vigilance by acting in each workplace as soon as OHS issues must be raised. In this sense, I urge all workers in Quebec to take the proper measure of OHS issues in their community. We have been fighting for workers for over 100 years and, more than ever, it is essential to continue defending our right to work without risking our lives and our health.», Concludes Martin Hachey, vice-president of the Central Council of Lanaudière – CSN.

The Central Council of Lanaudière – CSN brings together 81 unions representing more than 14,000 members throughout the Lanaudière territory.

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