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Obvious sign of internal power struggle – VG

DEMONSTRANTS: Thousands of Cubans filled the streets in protest of food and medicine shortages and constant power outages. Photo: AP / NTB

In a televised speech, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel says the government has handled the crisis in the country poorly. Cuba researcher Vegard Bye believes this indicates that the president’s position has been weakened internally in the Communist Party.


So far, the Cuban government has blamed social media and the United States for the demonstrations this weekend, the largest the country has seen in many years.

In a televised speech to the people, Díaz-Canel takes self-criticism for the first time. He acknowledged that the state had failed and that it played a role in the protests against food shortages, rising prices and other challenges facing the people.

– We must learn from the unrest. We must also analyze our problems in order to act and avoid repetition, he said in the speech.


INTERNET: Internet access has been restored in Cuba, but not to social media, where the protests were organized on Sunday. Photo: Eliana Aponte / AP / NTB

Reaction to the demonstrations

The speech is a reaction to the fact that thousands of Cubans this weekend filled the streets of cities across the country, to protest the lack of food and medicine and constant power outages. Many also demanded faster vaccination against corona.

There were also demands for political change in a country that has been ruled by the Communist Party, which has had a monopoly of power since the 1959 revolution.

“Our society is not a society that creates hatred, and these people acted with hatred,” said Díaz-Canel, who accused some of the protesters of looting and vandalism.

– Expression that “the old guys” have to come in again

Bye tells VG that the speech may reflect a weakened internal position in the party for the president. The researcher also points out that the late President Raúl Castro has been brought in to participate in the Politburo in Havana.

– I think there is a fairly widespread perception within the system that Díaz-Canel has come out very poorly, and that Raúl Castro’s attempt to hand over control to the next generation under the leadership of Canel-Díaz has failed.

He also highlights the video in which Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, who was foreign minister for many years, meets the protesters on the street in a kind of dialogue.

– It expresses that “the old guys” have to come in again, and that the selection of Díaz Canel has failed. It is an obvious sign of an internal power struggle.


GUARD: Police are on duty at the former National Assembly in the center of Havana after the demonstrations this weekend. Photo: Eliana Aponte / AP / NTB

– Can be the first step towards dialogue

At the same time, he believes the admission is an expression of the president acknowledging that he is out in deep water and has not been able to handle the situation.

– It can be the first step towards dialogue, which is positive. In this calmer period after the demonstrations, it is important to start a dialogue, before this explodes again, because it is only a matter of time, Bye says.

Bye says the demonstrations are about more than electricity, medicine and food.

– This is a far more fundamental collapse of the entire political and economic system in Cuba.

Deep crisis

Cuba’s economy has been hit by the worst crisis in years due to the collapse of the tourism industry following the corona pandemic, US sanctions and ineffective governance.

Former President Donald Trump has tightened the blockade of the country, and President Joe Biden has not taken steps to ease sanctions.

In the speech, Díaz-Canel accused the protesters of exploiting what he called the complex situation because “they do not want the revolution to succeed or for Cuba to develop a civilized and respectful relationship with the United States.”

The researcher says that behind the scenes work is being done to start a call and dialogue internationally.

– The big demand is that there must be an end to the abuses, that there must be democratic change and national dialogue in Cuba. It must communicate with the protesters and representatives of the opposition to seek political community, as well as political solutions and economic reforms


ARRESTED: The three-digit number of prisoners in Cuba has been verified in recent days. Photo: YAMIL LAGE / AFP

Three-digit number arrested

How many protesters have been arrested is unclear. So far, only a few hundred arrests have been verified.

– I try to find more concrete numbers. There are many rumors of more killed than reported. The situation is constantly evolving, says Bye.

Currently a death confirmed by the Interior Ministry of Cuba, 36 year old Diubis Laurencio Tejeda.

According to researcher at the University of Oslo, Ståle Wig, the number of arrests is rising.

“There are several unconfirmed videos of people being arrested in their homes, as well as videos and reports of killings, gunshot wounds and other injuries,” Wig said.

A video has also been published, filmed from a balcony in Havana in recent days, showing at least ten buses, loaded with police dressed in civilian clothes, who take to the streets with assault weapons in their hands.

– They are deployed against the demonstrators to give the impression that the “people” are rising up against them, Bye comments.

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