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Obsession with the gym, Demi Lovato’s disorder

Demi lovato She is one of those girls who grew up in front of everyone. As an actress she debuted in a children’s series and her biggest exhibition came as a girl Disney. So all his childhood and adolescence were facing the public. That marked his life, since his image before the cameras became an obsession that led to bulimia nervosa from the 9 years.

The problem for today’s actress, singer and producer was her way of overcoming that problem that lasted a decade. “I thought that the last years were the recovery of an eating disorder when I was actually falling completely into it. And I realized that maybe my symptoms were not as obvious as before, but it was definitely a feeding problem, “Lovato recently acknowledged in the podcast ‘Pretty Big Deal’.

To stop purging the food binge, the singer locked herself in the gym. At age 20 he dedicated himself to exercising his body and sporting it on social networks. It became an obsession. “There were times when I lived in the gym,” confessed the woman who had overcome a process of disorders also got hooked on drugs.

A profile predisposed to addictions

Lovato’s profile is that of the people most predisposed to addictions. An investigation published in the magazine ‘Eating and Weight Disorders‘revealed that people with eating disorders are four times more likely to add addiction to physical activity. Another study noted that 40% of those who had developed bulimia also applied to compulsive exercise. “Many women with exercise dependence simply do not eat if they have not exercised. Exercise can become a way to control, maintain control of food,” he explains. Pirkko Markula, Professor of Sociocultural Studies of Physical Activity at the University of Alberta.

The actress I went to the gym three times a day. Always after each meal. Dissatisfaction with his body resulted in a problem in an environment where female bodies were idealized. According to Lovato, this also led him to a spiral that ended with a heroin overdose and a rehabilitation in 2018. He had convinced others that he had everything under control, became his only social activity and believed that his addiction to the gym was healthy.

Symptoms of obsession with physical exercise

Demi said that exercising was not fun. Fear of exercising or not experiencing joy or pleasure when exercising is another sign that it has become a problem. If you are exercising in secret, inflexible about your exercise routine, isolating yourself from friends or family and feeling guilty or ashamed of exercising … that is never enough, that you do it even when your body doesn’t feel like it … It’s time of consulting a professional, “illustrates Dr. Susan Albers-Bowling, a psychiatrist and psychologist at the University of Cleveland. There are other effects such as bone loss, menstruation abnormalities, muscle or joint problems, fatigue and inflammation in the body.

The new recovery process of Demi Lovato has consisted of going to a nutritionist-dietitian team and a coach who establish realistic and sensible limits for your exercise routines. He does not want to lose the good physical and psychological effects of sport.

In addition, he has worked on the perception of his image avoiding continuous monitoring of his weight and wearing clothes with which he feels comfortable. “I like to eat, go to exercise. And that was not happiness for me. That was not freedom. Now, when I look in the mirror and start to have a negative thought, I do not stop and say: ‘No, you are beautiful , you are beautiful, I love you, you are perfect as you are. ”So, what I say to myself is: ‘No, you are healthy and I accept you. And that’s all I need to do is accept you, ” he revealed in the podcast.

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