Home » today » Technology » Observation of sales rankings of Japanese games from 11/27 to 12/3: “Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland 3” won the championship, breaking the fastest sales record of the three manufacturers in 2023 | Game Base | LINE TODAY

Observation of sales rankings of Japanese games from 11/27 to 12/3: “Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland 3” won the championship, breaking the fastest sales record of the three manufacturers in 2023 | Game Base | LINE TODAY

This week’s newly released “Dragon Quest Monsters in Wonderland 3: The Demon Prince and Elf’s Journey” won the championship with 346,583 sets of sales. The “Monsters in Wonderland” series is the longest-lived and probably the longest-running “Dragon Quest” series. A well-known Gaiden series, but there have been quite a few gaps in recent years. Compared with the approximately 375,000 units of “Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland JOKER 3” in its first week about seven years ago, it seems to have declined slightly. However, after the release of this game, there were reports of shortages on multiple channels. It is obvious that the first week of “Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland JOKER 3” The batch shipment volume did not meet the market demand, so a certain amount of opportunity loss was caused.

Of course, because the first batch of goods cannot reflect the complete market demand, the market demand will be relatively strong in the next few weeks. However, the pressing speed of Nintendo console games has always been relatively slow, and in two weeks, even the channels will have a long holiday. During the annual holiday, whether the second batch of goods can be successfully released before the annual holiday will greatly affect the sales of the physical version of the game. After all, if there is no stock to buy during the entire annual holiday, more people will definitely turn to buying the download version.

However, even a work of the magnitude of “Monster Wonderland” makes the channel afraid to order goods with confidence. The author believes that SQUARE ENIX must take most of the responsibility and review the many works launched by the company, including “Dragon Quest” The signature side stories all have a certain degree of instability, causing many works to become defective inventory after they are released, so that small stores must bargain to sell them off.

But even so, this game still showed strong demand in the market, and its first-week sales surpassed that of its competitor “Momotaro Dentetsu World ~ The Earth Rotates Around Hope!” ~” and “Final Fantasy 16” and other powerful rivals emerged in the last month, becoming the third-party game with the highest first-week sales in the Japanese market in 2023. I also hope that the company can take good care of this brand that players are still willing to support.

“Momotaro Dentetsu World ~ The Earth Rotates around Hope,” which has been on sale for three weeks! ~” still won the runner-up with a sales volume of 64,946 units, and the cumulative sales volume reached 477,000 units. As it enters December, this type of board game is very popular at New Year’s parties, and its sales momentum should continue to be maintained. , I believe that the cumulative sales volume next week will definitely exceed 500,000 units without any problem.

Speaking of board games, “The Game of Life for Nintendo Switch”, which is highly homogeneous and was released earlier, entered the twelfth place with 5,207 units sold this week. I also mentioned it during the week of its release. In fact, the name “Game of Life” has a lot of stains in the video game industry. However, the content of this game is quite satisfactory and there are no major problems. Moreover, after its release, there were many VTubers including Pecola Usagi. Including well-known live broadcasts of Internet celebrity games, many of which have more than one million views, thus providing long-lasting sales momentum for this game.

This week, we can even see that the digestibility rate of this game, which originally reached “over 80%”, has regressed back to “between 60% and 80%”, which is a very rare phenomenon. Representative distributors are also very optimistic that the sales momentum of this game will continue to be maintained. , because we want to prevent the market from running out of stock to sell during the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday, so we will replenish a large amount of goods in advance.

Among other existing games, the most eye-catching one this week should be “Pikmin 4”, which entered the fifth place with a sales volume of 13,366 units. This game has already entered the Christmas shopping season early due to the three-day holiday last week. Sales have increased instead of falling for two consecutive weeks. This week’s cumulative sales have reached 978,000 units. The task of exceeding one million units within the year, which was originally thought to be somewhat difficult, now seems almost certain. Moreover, Nintendo continues to promote this game, and I believe it will be able to continue after it exceeds one million.

Everyone’s old acquaintance “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition” also entered the seventh place with a sales volume of 8,464 units. In addition, the new track pass package also entered the 26th place with a sales volume of 2,997 units. The dual version The total number exceeded 10,000 units, which makes people feel that the market has indeed entered the peak shopping season.

Ranking game title launch platform Cumulative sales volume for the week 1 “Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland 3: The Demon Prince and Elf’s Journey (Dragon Quest Monster Wonderland 3: Demon Prince and Elf’s Journey)”
NS 346583 346583 2 《Momotaro Electric Railway World ~ Hopeful Movement by Earth Circle! ~(Momotaro Dentetsu World ~The earth revolves around hope!~)》
NS 64946 477956 3 《Super Mario Brothers Wonder (Super Mario Bros. Wonder)》
NS 61794 1150511 4 《Super Mario RPG (Super Mario RPG)》
NS 24099 379754 5 《Pikmin 4》
NS 13366 978683 6 《Super Dance Made in Wario》
NS 9597 74279 7 《Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Edition》
NS 8464 5556552 8 “Minecraft”
NS 7925 3325906 9 《Gather! Animal Forest Friendship Association (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
NS 9224 7591150 10 《Nintendo Myojo Daigo Special Edition (Super Smash Bros. SPECIAL)》
NS 7106 5336148 11 “Hogwarts Legacy”
NS 5737 62799 12 “The Game of Life for Nintendo Switch”
NS 5207 93562 13 《Treasure Kamu Vermilion‧Purple (Pokémon Scarlet/Violet)》
NS 5120 5189238 14 《Splatoon 3》
NS 4329 4145554 15 《Treasure Kamu Vermilion‧Purple + Zero’s Treasure (Pokémon Scarlet Violet + Zero’s Treasure)》
NS 3990 20166 16 《Symbiosis Chiu Bi-Toku -Sweet & Spicy Darling.-》
NS 3955 3955 17 《Ryu ga Gotoku 7 Gaiden Hero Unnamed (Ryu ga Gotoku 7 Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name)》
PS4 3765 81684 18 《Nintendo Switch 運動(Nintendo Switch Sports)》
NS 3618 1211463 19 《The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom》
NS 3603 1896310 20 《Fairy tale action drama Mametanuki’s Tomoe Kaiji ~ Shinyasai Taro’s festival! ! (Fairy tale Bakel the raccoon dog ~Oracle Matsuri Taro’s festival!!)》
NS 3484 3484

In terms of consoles, the three models of the Nintendo Switch family sold a total of 79,055 units this week. Compared with the previous week when there was a three-day holiday, the sales did not fall but increased. It can be seen that after entering December, the market has officially welcomed the Japanese New Year. It’s peak shopping season, and of course if you look at this week in terms of the first week of December, it doesn’t seem very satisfying that Nintendo Switch sales didn’t reach six figures. However, as mentioned before, Nintendo’s software offensive this year is not very strong, and only the last three days of this week are in December. The market’s buying momentum may not be fully exerted yet, and it needs to be observed for a few more weeks.

The two PlayStation 5 models have sold a total of 43,946 units. Although it is the third week after the launch of the new console, it seems to have returned to the normal level before the revision. Considering that it is still more or less affected by the Japanese New Year shopping season The blessing may have shown that after the price increase, the appeal to the Japanese market may be a little lower than before the revision, but in any case, we still have to continue to observe the second half of January after the New Year to make a conclusion.

Console name Cumulative sales for the week NS 8995 19626057 NS Lite 13048 5609188 NS OLED 57012 6195126 PS5 36552 4156858 PS5 Digital version 7394 639574 Xbox Series X 1925 240922 Xbox Series S 265 294039 PS4 853 7909608 N2DSLL 15 1192675

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