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Obradorism’s aftershocks: electoral abuse was consummated

Lthe same argument. Identical. They are political twins of the PRI because they use the same legalistic arguments that the PRI dictatorship used to provide itself with disproportionate and excessive representations in the CongressYes. Exactly the same rhetorical phrases are used today by those who fought against those abuses of the PRI. It is a historical incongruity. They fought for decades to stop those power attacks, those terrible blows, and now they not only emulate such insolence but surpass it: worst authoritarian practicesworst regressive decisions, worst threatening practicesand worse anti-democratic spirit. Worse because they disguise themselves as democrats who respect the law and the Constitution.

Fakers, the Bolsheviks in Tsarist Russia would tell them.

Without democrats in power (in the Executive, in the Legislative, in the State party and in a good part of the INE), the worst electoral coup that Mexico has experienced in this century has been consummated. It is a blatant theft. What the pro-government forces They did not win at the polls, they have snatched it away in a horseshoe that has become the table of ignominy, the hall of General Council of the INE where, by seven votes to four, the ruling coalition has been provided with a undue majoritypolitically indecent, to put it in good chilango terms.

It is the penultimate gasp of the lopezobradorismYes, but also, and it must be said, it is the first great political disappointment that generates the future Mexican presidentwho could have avoided this snub with retardation overtones. If the citizens had wanted their coalition to have a constitutional majority in the Chamber of Deputiesas they would have expressed in the vote. That did not happen, we Mexicans voted differently precisely to contain overwhelming temptations.

Whom HE UNIVERSAL, I asked last August 10, 14 days ago:

“Will we suffer from an abusive president who claims to have the 74% of the spaces in Congress having achieved nothing more than the 54.74% of the votes for the Chamber of Deputies and the 55.17 % for the Senate? Or will we have a democratic presidentwhich is circumscribed without nuances not only to the letter established in the Constitution but to the spirit of that constituent that firmly enshrined in the Magna Carta “that which your movement has fought for for years, that is, a dam to contain the unstoppable temptations of concentration of power?”

I think we already got an answer this Friday. Article 54 of the Constitution establishes, in its section IV, that “no political party may have more than 300 deputies by both principles”, that of relative majority and that of proportional representation. In addition, in section V, it adds: “In no case may a political party have a number of deputies by both principles that represent a percentage of the total of the Chamber that exceeds by eight points its percentage of the national votes cast.”

Morena, PT y Verde They are one ruling coalition which acts as a single, indivisible party. The INE and the four electoral counselors have studied the Mexican democratic evolution and know perfectly well that the spirit of the constituent assembly had two intentions: the first, to prevent one party from crushing the others, and at the same time, to guarantee the representation of the opposition minorities. PT and the Greens are not opposition minorities and trying to make them appear as such is, at the very least, intellectually dishonest.

The President-Elect, the same one who fought so hard for democracy from a young age, as I said fourteen days ago, should have seen that it is morally wrong to have 74% of the seats when she should only have a maximum of 63%. I emphasize: Mexican men and women gave her a very broad democratic majority of 63%, maximum, not a destructive and anti-democratic steamroller of 74%. The forces of Claudia Sheinbaum They should have a maximum of 317 seats, instead of 364.

Let’s see what he says Electoral CourtBut for now, those who always raised democracy as a banner of struggle and who these days behaved like thirsty dictators seemed to be very undemocratic.


I will illustrate, with hard data, the blow dealt to the INE horseshoe. Let us take, first, the cases of Movimiento Ciudadano and that political franchise that each six-year term is offered to the highest bidder and that is known as the Verde (in one presidential election it was an ally of the PANanother from the PRI, and then she was from Morena; pure consistency):

-The match of Dante Delgado (MC) obtained 10.92% of the vote, thanks to the 6 million 497 thousand 404 voters who, I have no idea why, voted for him, and with that he had the fourth place in the polls, behind Morenahe PAN and the PRI. The INE assigned a total of 27 deputies.

-The Green Party got 8.39% of the vote, thanks to -I don’t know why either- 4 million 993 thousand 988 Mexicans who voted for their party. The INE, with 1.5 million fewer votes than MC, granted it… 77 deputies! That’s… 2.8 times more seats. And not only that, it turned it, with an algorithm of PRI vestiges… into the second political force in the country!

The second political force, above the PAN, which obtained 16.89% of the vote (second place), that is, double that of the Green Party, thanks to its 10 million 49 thousand 375 votes, more than double that of the Green Party, and which only obtained 72 seats in the House. And also, of course, a soup of its own chocolate to the PRI, the Green Party was unduly placed above what remains of the PRI, which had 6 million 623 thousand 796 voteswhich represented 11.13% (third place), that is, 1.6 million more than the Greens, almost three percentage points more (2.91), but only 35 seats.

And if all the above were not outrageous, the Labor Party, which only had 5.47% of the vote, with 3 million 254 thousand 718 votesthat is, the sixth and penultimate place, was awarded 51 seats and… magically was above MC and the PRI to occupy an illegitimate fourth place.

In what Pythagorean world is a satellite party of the party in power relegated to fifth place in the vote by voters – by popular sovereignty, the scholars would say – and some gentlemen close to it? officialism They put him in second place? And how is it that another weakling of the ruling party’s electoral system goes from sixth to fourth place in an authoritarian snap, all to benefit the party in power with excessive representation?

Tell me, reader, did the four INE counselors who endorsed all of the above respect the popular will expressed at the polls? No. They revived the Federal Electoral Institute that was controlled by the PRI in the last century.

What a historical shame they will bear from now on, even if they repeat over and over again, as the PRI did, that they adhered to the letter of the Constitution.


The Morena representative before the INE, Sergio Gutierrez Lunathreatened electoral counselor Martín Faz Mora, when he announced that he would vote against the project that gave Morena an (undue) constitutional majority in the Chamber of Deputies. He threatened that such a vote could earn him impeachment.

I tell you, they are inspired by the sewers of that PRI of Bucareli (aaah, the golden years of Salinas) from where the threats against the political opponents.


No, the INE councilors who distributed seats to favor the ruling party are not gravediggers of the democracythat is another excess, but they are electoral alchemists inspired by the PRI tricks of the twentieth century: its mathematical operations not only emulate the pregnancy of ballot boxes, the crazy mouse, the shoe boxes and all those atrocities that we suffered for decades of the magical tricolor Mexico, but they also transport us to dark times that we thought were buried.

[email protected]

Twitter: @jpbecerraacosta

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