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Obligation to wear a mask also in bars – this is how gastronomic politics prepare themselves

Even before tomorrow’s “Mask Summit” in the Chancellery, it is clear that a nationwide tightening is imminent. The catering industry is also getting ready.

The government is in the process of launching new measures to combat the corona pandemic in Austria. As reported, the Austria-wide mask requirement returns in closed rooms – “topless” after only 35 days. In a conference call, there is said to be a rough vote on the government team today, Sunday.

EU summit delays conversation

Since Sebastian Kurz (VP) is stuck at the financial summit in Brussels longer than originally planned, he will exchange views via video chat with Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens), Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) and Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (VP). During the night, details are worked out at employee level, and tomorrow morning a final summit of the “viral quartet” Kurz, Kogler, Anschober and Nehammer will take place in the Chancellery on Vienna’s Ballhausplatz. The population will then be informed of all the innovations.

“Today” has summarized the schedule for the Austria-wide mask requirement HERE >>

➤ While the government summit is delayed, the catering industry is already preparing for a return of mouth and nose protection. How “Today” found out that guests should wear a mask again on the way to the table and the toilet, employees all the time. In sidewalk gardens, the “disguise requirement” for gourmets naturally disappears, since the risk of corona in the fresh air is low.

Gastro spokesman Stefan Ratzenberger: “The return of the mandatory mask is absolutely understandable.”

Gastro spokesman Stefan Ratzenberger does not yet have any official information, but expects tightening and can understand it: “It is absolutely understandable that the mask requirement is reintroduced worked out, so the step is inevitable so as not to risk a second wave. ” It is important “not to forget the financial support of the hosts and the fixed cost subsidy”, emphasizes Ratzenberger.

Sebastian Kurz repeatedly emphasized in the last few days that he did not want a “patch carpet” of regulations and advocated uniform solutions across Austria. Support for the comeback of the masks is given not only by gastro spokesman Ratzenberger, but also by one Majority of “Today” readers who welcomed the reintroduction of mouth and nose protection – “because that’s the only way people are more careful”.

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