The Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Disorders Working Team, Directorate of Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (P2PTM) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) recommends obesity management with a doctor at least once a year.
“For early detection, check at least once a year,” said the Head of the Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Disorders Working Team, P2PTM Directorate of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Esti Widiastuti M., MScPH in a discussion with media crew in Jakarta, Friday.
Regarding costs, said Dr. Esti, as long as it is served at a primary health care facility, the examination will be covered by BPJS.
On the same occasion, Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Obesity Study Association (HISOBI) Dr. Dr. Gaga Irawan Nugraha, Sp.GK(K) added that in managing obesity, people are expected to not only focus on body weight, but also look at the metabolic abnormalities that are caused.
For example, lately you often wake up not feeling refreshed. Because during sleep, the respiratory tract is covered with fat and this causes snoring to become louder.
Snoring is a sign of a metabolic disorder that is important to overcome by managing obesity with a doctor.
“So, look at it not only from the weight, but also the complaints are reduced. It could be that the weight has only decreased by five kilograms, but the metabolic abnormalities have reduced,” said Dr. Gaga.
Obesity is a global problem that impacts two billion of the world’s population and threatens public health, including in Indonesia.
By 2030 it is estimated that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men will be living with obesity (equivalent to more than 1 billion people worldwide).
The global prevalence of obesity is higher in women than men and the largest number of people with obesity are in developing countries, where the double burden of malnutrition continues and systems are poorly prepared and ill-equipped to effectively address obesity and its consequences.
Globally, more than 160 million years of healthy life were lost due to high body mass index in 2019, and the figure is likely to be higher every year.
This represents more than 20 percent of all years of healthy life lost due to preventable chronic health outcomes.
If we are to tackle preventable, non-communicable diseases, then success in tackling obesity is critical.
In Indonesia over a period of 10 years there has been a significant increase in obesity, from 10.5 percent in 2007 to 21.8 percent in 2018.
Obesity is a risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart disease, cancer, hypertension and other metabolic and non-metabolic diseases and contributes to causes of death due to cardiovascular disease (5.87 percent of total deaths), diabetes and kidney disease (1.84 percent of total deaths).
Therefore, obesity has now been classified as a disease that requires comprehensive intervention.
Obesity is a multifactorial problem. Increased energy intake, changes in eating patterns from traditional to modern, urbanization and decreased physical activity have all contributed to the increase in obesity.
This factor is supported by the contribution of other factors such as socio-economic, cultural, behavioral and environmental aspects.
Obesity is also triggered by a lack of physical activity related to a typical phenomenon in urban areas, namely the reduction in public space that can be used as an arena for playing and exercising.
Ease of access to modern, high-tech facilities is also a factor causing the lack of physical activity among teenagers, especially in urban areas.
Today’s World Obesity Day is an opportunity for us to build momentum to change the way all parties view obesity and immediately take a role together to become effective action.
With the title “World Obesity Day, Let’s Talk about Obesity and The Science Behind It”, the day’s discussion invited all parties present to discuss and share views about obesity and take real, effective action to recognize, prevent and overcome obesity for a healthier life. and productive.
Editor: Admin Antarakalbar
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News West Kalimantan 2024
2024-03-01 16:46:27
#Ministry #Health #recommends #managing #obesity #doctors #ANTARA #News #West #Kalimantan