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Obesity in Children Causes Complications

Obesity in children can cause complications.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Obesity is a disorder or disease characterized by the accumulation of excessive body fat tissue. Obesity in children is prone to be a source of various diseases that are difficult to manage as well as an imbalance between energy intake and energy output, resulting in excess energy which is then stored in the form of fat tissue.

Representative of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) Dr. Winra Pratita said clinical symptoms in children obesity seen from the rounded face, chubby cheeks, double chin, the neck looks short, there are acanthosis nigricans (black spot on back of neck). Then the chest looks bloated with enlarged breasts and wheezing. In the abdomen looks bulged with abdominal wall folds.

“In the extremities, the legs are often X-shaped due to excessive weight gain in a short time. Then the pelvic movement is limited, and in the male reproductive system the penis looks small,” he said in a statement, Thursday (3/3/2022).

However, for a more precise examination, an anthropometric examination is needed including weight, body length or height, body mass index. In addition to clinical symptoms, obesity in children can cause complications from head to toe. From the child’s head the possibility of depression quickly, and low self-confidence due to obesity.

Then in the lungs, the child may experience asthma or sleep apnea during sleep. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person’s breathing to stop temporarily for several times. This can be characterized by snoring during sleep.

In the heart, there may be heart defects, or high cholesterol, or it could be an increase in blood pressure. In the liver, fat occurs, and the child’s stomach can experience gerd.

Furthermore, the pancreas can be at risk for type 2 diabetes. In the knee, arthritis or pain in the joints can occur.

“And it could also be that the legs are bent due to the massive accumulation of weight in a very short time. Not only that, the reproductive part is usually if girls have irregular periods or maybe faster than their friends. That’s what we have to avoid,” said Dr. Winra.

For prevention, continued Dr. Winra, for babies 0-12 months old, mothers are encouraged to give exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months, then children are given complementary foods in the right way. Parents are encouraged to offer new foods repeatedly to avoid sugary drinks.

In infants 12-24 months, mothers should avoid children from sugary drinks, avoid excessive consumption of juices and sweetened condensed juices. Each family member must be accustomed to eating together at the dining table and then turning off the television during the meal.

“What must be considered, parents should not limit the number of meals but ensure that the food provided is healthy and accompanied by fruit and vegetables. Snacks are only given 2 times and only offer water when thirsty, not sweet drinks,” said Dr Winra

Furthermore, children should not be given high-calorie foods as snacks, children must also have the opportunity to be physically active to play outside the home. Limit watching TV, don’t put television in the child’s bedroom, then parents must also be a model model to be selective in determining the food consumed by children.

“Respect children’s appetite, so children should be given food according to their hunger and satiety. Don’t force it to finish one portion,” he said.

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