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Obesity: “A revolution is underway with the arrival of new drugs”

The essentials For its 60th anniversary, the Château de Vernhes clinic in Bondigoux is organizing a scientific day on the theme of obesity. Professor Patrick Ritz, a specialist in nutrition and metabolic diseases, will explain why we are talking about a revolution today in the treatment of obesity.

Professor Patrick Ritz, specialist in nutrition and metabolic diseases at the Toulouse University Hospital Center (CHU)will speak on Friday, September 27 for the scientific day of the Vernhes Castle Clinic in Bondigoux specialized for 60 years in the treatment of obesity.

You talk about a “revolution in progress” for the treatment of obesity, explain to us…

When I started working on obesity 30 years ago, patients had to change their behavior, period. There were no drugs or surgery. Today, surgery has proven its effectiveness in terms of weight loss (25% to 30% of weight) and improvement in mortality. And very effective drugs are arriving, they allow you to lose up to 20% of your weight. Two molecules are being evaluated for marketing authorization. Our specialized center was able to offer semaglutide for early access, we saw how it changed patients’ lives.

Does this mean that support is changing?

Please note that for the patients concerned, it is also necessary to change their lifestyle habits (diet, physical activity) but now we have something more to offer, we are moving away from “move more, eat less”. It is important for patients to know that there is a treatment for their illness and to offer something other than injunctions or referring them to value judgments. The objective today is to be able to take care of each person who is suffering, while also being interested in their distress.

What form does obesity take today, who is affected?

The prevalence has doubled in twenty years, it is stable today and concerns 17% of the population in France. We often find the most socially disadvantaged people and those affected by mental health disorders (50% are obese). The interactions are complex between adipose tissue and the brain: inflammation of the former will facilitate depression, as if the brain were affected and the problem goes round in circles. The stakes are very high.

How can overweight and obesity be prevented?

The sooner you act, the better, it is easier to lose 5 kg than 15 kg and beyond. From experience, the best strategy is to maintain your weight within a reasonable range through physical activity, the fight against a sedentary lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet. But, on this last point, it has become complicated: today, food is certainly very diverse but it is also very rich and above all very available. Studies have shown that the contents of kitchen cupboards have increased with the generations and when you have a refrigerator or a cupboard full, it is easy to give in to a desire, especially under the influence of an emotion.

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